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slight sexual content warning.


"f-fuck daddy!"

jimin wasn't harsh, or maybe jeongguk's just used to the pain. but jimin's a ticking timebomb, he could go from sweet to violent in a second. so the boy is always wary around his lover because of this reason.

"you're so fuckin pretty, my little babydoll, hm?"


"you'll always come crawling back to daddy, won't you sweets?"

jeongguk's pulled out of his trance.

"just mine babyboy? just goddamn mine?" jimin growls, his teeth nibbling on the skin behind his ear, awaiting an answer.

"daddy-- i--"

"you won't ever leave me, right sweets?"

"i-i--uh, mhm--" he half-heartedly answers, he doesn't ponder on it, being dragged into the pleasure, his thoughts forgotten.

but what bothers him is the fact that he doesn't know what to respond.


as the moon peeked out from where it was hiding, casting a bright light from the sky, jimin and his men prepared for the raid. excitement filled jeongguk's veins, but along that was uneasiness. usually, when he's told of the wicked plans jimin devised, he'd be thrilled to let loose and let go of all his problems. but instead, it felt like a heavy weight was placed upon his shoulders. like a boulder was placed on his body, despite his efforts of working out and training-- this load felt. . . different. like no numbers and hours of exertion would able him to carry the burden in a jiffy. the unfamiliar despair was present, the one which made his palms sweat and lips tremble. there was only so much he could handle.

jimin had fucked him a few hours earlier, but somehow it felt odd. he didn't feel the need to succumb to the psychopath, the alarms in his head opposing him instead. he was hesitant about submitting his all, compared to all the previous times he's let jimin take and ravage him. he wasn't in the mood, there were no pulls of attraction, nor was there lust that made him latch unto his lover and just let him devour him as he usually would. instead, he wanted to push him away and lock himself in a room so the man wouldn't lay his hands on him-- the dread prickling at his skin. he felt the fire die down slowly, and he couldn't figure out why.

his lover's touch burned against his skin, not the addicting heat that ignites and lights a fire in his body, but rather it scorched and it hurt. he won't tell jimin that though, he doesn't know what the man could possibly do to him. but of course the pleasure was still there, despite the distractions calling for his attention. it just wasn't as strong.

the wooden bat in his hands felt off, as if it didn't belong there. it felt foreign, and that made jeongguk want to pull his hair out. he's trained with yoongi for so long and was even able to pin him to the wall for god's sake! although, it's like those memories simply erased itself from existence and instead left the remnants of a little boy behind. jeongguk didn't like feeling helpless.

he's sure he won't be proud of what's occurring today, because he didn't feel the yearn to fight and see pain that morphs on his enemies' faces-- no bloodlust, no urge that made him itch to kill.

jeongguk felt up the collar on his neck, his fingers ghosting over the letters-- the name that'll haunt him for eternity. jimin put a claim on jeongguk, and the latter doubts it's even a bit temporary--- erasable. the man was a spiral, confusing -- lures you in. a trap. jeongguk doesn't even have a clue about what he was dragged into. or more like how.

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