8) Vampirism

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Idea by: Me!

Roman ran into the room, panting. Virgil looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow.

"What is it, Princey? Too many doughnuts for breakfast?" Virgil taunted.

Logan choked on his coffee, and Patton stuffed another pancake into his mouth to keep from giggling.

"Ha Ha. Very funny. But no. That is not it,"Roman retorted glaring at Virgil, "No, someone, or rather, something has been murdering my citizens."

"Your what now?" Virgil asked.

"My citizens. You know... in the Imagination. They are being attacked and I need your help to stop... it," Roman answered exasperated.

"Of course we'll help, kiddo!" Patton replied, smiling.

"I would be glad to offer my assistance," Logan said.

"Whatever ya need, Princey," Virgil huffed.

"Thank you all so much, let us go!"


Once in the Imagination, the damage to Roman's kingdom became clear. The creature attacked only at night.

When it attacked, it drained its victim of its blood, presumably through the two puncture wounds that were always present.

"Based on the wounds, my guess would have to be a vampire," Logan began, "However illogical it may sound, it is the only answer that fits all the questions."

"I do believe you are right, Logan," Roman stated, as Patton huddled behind him.

"A-a vampire? Will it try to eat us? Is anywhere safe?" Patton was beginning to freak out.

"Patton, I would nev..." Logan began before realizing his mistake. He stopped talking quickly. Luckily, not one of the sides heard him.

"Hush, Patton. We would never let that monster anywhere near you." Roman consoled. Virgil was helping Patton with his breathing.

Logan felt his heart sink upon hearing Roman. He began to fret about what they would do to him if they found out.

Virgil turned his head to look at the pacing trait. "Logan, are you okay?"

"Hmm, yes, just trying to figure out a way to hide the- I mean, capture the monster." The last word slid from his mouth like venom.

"Ookay..." Virgil sounded skeptical.

------The Next Day------

Roman's plan was in motion. He had set a trap that, unfortunately, meant using one of the townspeople's finest daughters.

Trap the vampire. Kill the vampire. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.

--------That Night------

Logan was thirsty. Again. Sighing, he entered the Imagination.

His advanced hearing caught a soft sob coming from a cave. Perfect. He had decided to lure someone off alone anyways; the sad human would work just fine.

Logan advanced on the cave and entered. A young girl sat on a ledge sobbing gently.

He walked towards her, gripped her shoulders, spun her around in a dance, before tipping her towards the floor and sinking his fangs into her neck.

Clink. Rattle.

Logan dropped the girl and spun around. The cave's mouth was closing. His eyes widened in terror.

He had walked right into Roman's trap.


Roman was up early the next morning, eager to see if his trap worked. He shoke the other's awake, none too gently, and led them all to the Imagination.

With a swirl of his hand, the cave became glass. All three of the sides gasped at what they saw.

Logan stood in the middle of the cave, blood covering his shirt, neck, and mouth. At his feet lay the long dead girl, drained of her blood.

Patton squeeked, unable to comprehend what he saw. Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton in protection.

Roman stood there, his eyes darting around the cave, the sword hanging loosely at his side in his hand.

"L-Logan? You?" Roman whispered.

Logan lifted his head a smiled weakly. Patton began to cry.

"I... I just..."Roman began to stutter.

"Roman... just... just do what you have to do. I won't resist," Logan said softly.

"I... I can't," Roman whimpered.

"I can not go on like this. I can not risk hurting one of you. Please Roman? For me?"

Roman opened the exit and stepped inside. Tears in his eyes, he jabbed the sword straight through Logan's heart.

True to his words, Logan did not resist. His eyes fluttered shut and he went limp. His last breath left his lips.


"So, apparently, I really enjoy hurting Logan. Not sure why. He is my favorite side. Anyways, Smiles!"


Question of the Update:

What would your friends do if they found out you were a vampire?

Mine would probably be pretty excepting. They would help me hide it.

Special thanks to one of my friends who listened to me question him on the best way to capture a vampire. It is truly scary how much you know about these things.

Originally Published: 6/25/2018
Edited: 7/13/2018

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