37) Orbs

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This one is going to be long. Prepare yourself.

A sound like shattering glass echoed through the attic Thomas had been cleaning. A brilliant white hot light filled the room soon after the glitterinf orb hit the floor. A few moments later, Thomas slowly opened his eyes.


Thomas stared wide-eyed at the young man about his age who had suddenly appeared before him. The man watched Thomas while fiddling with the sleeves of the light grey cardigan around his shoulders.

"W-who are you?! Where did you come from?!" Thomas exclaimed, half in sheer curiosity, half in fear of his life.

"I'm Patton! And I came from inside that ball there!" He, Patton, answered, pointing at the azure ball at Thomas's feet. He looked back up at himand drew in an excited breath. "You have the others!" Patton took a deep sapphire-blue orb from the box in Thomas's hands and threw it to the ground in excitment.

"Wait, Patton-" Thomas protested just before he was blinded by another flash of light lighting up the room. When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with the sight of a tall man similiar in age to Patton and himself. The dark-haired man adjusted his black glasses over his dark blue eyes.

"Salutations," he greeted.

"Logan!" Patton shouted happily, suprising Logan with a tight embrace.

"Hello, Patton. I've missed you," Logan said softly as he brushed a few strands of Patton's curly caramel hair out of his face. Patton giggled at the gentle touch. Logan turned to address Thomas, blushing lightly, "Uh... you must be curious as to what is going on." Thomas simply nodded. "Well, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, we were trapped inside those orbs. Why, and how, might better be explained by Roman." Logan picked up a cardinal red orb and tossed it to the floor, covering Patton's eyes with his hands. Another brilliant flash of light filled the room. When it died down, a handsome man dressed regally in the garb of a fantasy prince stood before them.

"Greetings!" The prince greeted dramatically.

"Hi, Ro!" Patton laughed.

"Patton!" Roman hugged him tightly. Patton smiled brightly, and Thomas noted a hint of jealously in Logan's expression.

"Salutations, Roman. Could you please let go of Patton and tell..." Logan trailed off, looking to Thomas.


"...Thomas how and why we were in those orbs," Logan finished.

"Certainly!" Roman set the tiny man down.

"What about Virgil?!" Patton interjected.

"I do not think-"

"Shut it, Calculator Watch! I agree with Patton. Let us get Surly Temple in here!" Roman announced, plucking the last shimmering violet orb from the box. He wound up dramatically and threw the ball at Logan, who ducked beneath it and glared at Roman. The ball hit the wall and shattered.

A significantly weaker light washed over the room. Patton cover his mouth with his hands whrn a dark figure collapsed to the floor. "Virgil!" Logan's eyes widened, and he knelt beside the boy. His eyes flickered over Virgil's body, examining carefully.

"Heckity heck, five abs and one peck! What happened to him?!" Roman asked.

"I... I don't know," Logan admitted, "But I do know that he is not in good condition." Patton looked up from Virgil wide-eyed and gazed at Thomas.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" He asked worriedly. Thomas nodded and rushed from the attic. He came back a few moments later with the kit and handed it to Logan, who took it and started to patch up the figure on the floor. Roman hugged Patton supportively. Logan soon finished and stood up slowly.

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