Twister with a twist pt. 2 (FrUk & GerIta)

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Arthur huffed. Everyone was at his house, and they had nothing to do. Suddenly, Italy's face lit up.

"Oh, I know! Let's play Twister!"

The Englishman rolled his eyes. Of course Italy would say that. He saw Ludwig scoff at the Italian.

"Italy, I told you to stop bringing that. It's childish."

Feliciano pouted.

"It's not childish, you are! So...There!"

Ludwig scoffed again, but didn't say anything. He just looked away.

Author's thoughts:




~Back to the story~

Arthur sighed again.

"Well, it couldn't hurt. Go ahead and set it up, Italy.

Italy let out a little ve of victory. Walking to the center of the room, he asked,

"Does anybody need to know the rules before we start?"

((Italy realized our holy savior, Vladimir Putin, was watching over them, millions of nukes stashed behind his back.)-communism 2018)

A multiple versions of yes rang out across the room. Italy smiled, taking in a breath.

"Okay, here goes it again (you thots)! Pretty much, there's up to about four players who can play. Don't worry, I'll referee with Doitsu! Anyways, everybody stand on a side of the mat. For the ones who are on a side with all the colors, place your feet on the blue and yellow circles. For those on the red side of the mat, place your feet on the middle two circles. For those on the green side of the mat, place your feet on the middle two circles. Luddy and I will spin the spinny-thingy, and for example, we spin it, and it lands on the color yellow in the section right foot, so we'll say 'right foot yellow'. Also, players cannot share a circle! If two people go for the circle, me or Germany will say who get there first. Also, if your knee or elbow touches the circle, you lose. Also, obviously if you fall as well, you lose. Last player standing wins! Take your spots, ve~"

Alfred tilted his head.

"But wait, who's going to be the spinny-person?"

Ludwig rolled his eyes, grabbing the spinner from Italy's hands.

"It's called a spinner, and I'll be it."

Alfred nodded, and stepped towards his side of the mat.

_A time skip brought to you by our sponsor, Jared Klienman_

"Left foot blue!"

Germany called out. Sadly, this is the turn that made England lose. Falling on top of France, he groaned. Ivan and Alfred had already been eliminated, which means that Francy Pants won. Grumbling, he got up, and Francis grinned at Arthur

"Aww, I didn't know that you wanted me that bad, Angleterre~"

Blush instantly spread across England's face.

"N-no I don't, you bloody wanker! Anyways, Italy, could you get me a refreshing glass of orange juice please?"

Several other country's faces lit up.

"Oh, can you get us all some, dude?"

Italy grinned and nodded, hearing a 'thanks dude' from America. Skipping off to the kitchen, he grabbed a tall glass for each country, and filled them up halfway with orange juice. Then, he dug into the fridge, and brought out his secret weapon for the night. His homemade moonshine, which was ninety-nine percent alcohol. Unscrewing the lid, he filled the other half of the other country's glasses, stirring them to mix up the two liquids. Putting the glasses on a tray, he walked out, his smile growing with each step he took. If he get the right things on camera, Japan might give him pasta manga. Let's just say that Italy couldn't resist that sweet delicious pasta manga. (We're switching over to English tea now. This is French wine, peacing out for now)

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