A normal day at a Canadian's house (PruCan)

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(French Wine) It was a normal day for Matthew Williams. He woke up, made himself pancakes, fed Kuma, and read a book for the day. However, it wasn't normal for long.

(American Coffee) Disturbing the peace and quiet of the Canadian lifestyle, a loud asf knock came from the fucking maple leaf door. Oh crap, they caught him. He knew that eventually the police would catch his illegal maple trade. Canada quickly, but quietly, he grabbed his long ass hockey stick and moved (MOANED) towards the door. He slowly opened the door, raising the hockey stick high above his head, ready to strike down the person behind the door with his Canadian pride.

(English Tea) He swiftly rammed ((American Coffee) his dick) (English Tea) hockey down, hitting a hard surface, also known as Gilbert ((American Coffee)the table, Gayberts dick) (English tea)

"Shit! That hurt!" The ALBINO, whined, rubbing his head(of his cock).

(French Wine) Canada gasped, and instantly lifted the hockey stick from the Prussian's head ((American Coffee)dick) (Back to French Wine).

"O-oh, Prussia! I'm s-so sorry aboot that, EH!" (Over to English Tea)

"It's no problem, birdie. Anyways,"

he trailed off, now just staring at Matthew, a dumbfounded look on his face. (Aaaand over to American Coffee)

Canada blinked,

"Gil, are you drunk you fucking roasted nut?"

Gilbert smiled like a fucking toddler, "No, I'm Prussia."

Canada face palmed,

"Stop it you burnt chicken nugget, you need to be put down."

(English Tea) "Oops I did it again,"

Prussia started, "O

k! So, you wanna hang out, y'know, with the awesome ((American Coffee)5 meter dick) being known as me!?"

The Canuck sighed. he really wanted to have an off day, but it seemed like that wasn't going to happen.

"Yeah, I guess. Oh! There is a good hockey game on, you can join me." The Canadian smiled, pulling the other over to the couch.

They sat and watched hockey together, except that most of the time, Canada would get 'distracted' by little things here and there. ((French Wine)oh)

Then, at some point, Prussia's hands, which seemed to always be doing something, made it to the top of Mattie's head, drawing nearer and closer to the curl that was never to be touched.

Canada, however, noticed this and quickly moved his head a bit to the side, trying to get the prying hands away from his curl.

"Oh? What's wrong, why did you suddenly move?"

Gilbert asked, completely oblivious to what he was about to do.

"J-just, please keep your hands away from my ((American Coffee)dick) curl, PLEASE."

Matthew made sure to emphasize the 'please', just so that he could make his point clear.

"Oh, you mean this?"

Prussia swiftly (SNACHED HIS WEAVE)took hold of Canada's curl, roughly pulling it down.

"Ah~ ((American Coffee)You tickled my pickle)"

The ALBINO reeled back, surprise by the reaction that he got.

"Oh~ So that's what the curl does."

Canada didn't say anything, only nodded. At that, the Prussian chuckled, and pulled the curl again, earning another moan from the shy blonde.

Deciding to change it up a little, Gilbert pushed the Canadian down, so that he was laying down and ALSO so that the Prussian was straddling Matthew.

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