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Hey! This is French Wine here. I just want to say, don't worry about this account anymore. The three of us are busy with school, and heck one of us even left the fandom. Don't worry, I promise it wasn't me. I'm still deep in this hetalia hell. I just want to say that nothing is going to be posted from this point on. I guess you can call this account dead. Thank you all who were with us for the three chapters, though! I hope you got at least a little laugh out of it. And um...Yeah. Until next time, I guess. If you want to check my writing out (not saying you should though because it's terrible), go ahead and drop by Kittenlover6767. Yep, that's me! French Wine! American Coffee is Randomthingstodo. Go ahead and check them out, too! I don't know if they've written anything though, I don't remember. I would give you English Tea's, but unfortunately, they're the one who left us. It's a shame...We're still friends though! Also, they deleted their wattpad account. If they didn't get rid of it, I would say to check them out, too. If you want to keep up with American Coffee and me, go ahead and check us out! I know that I have a story or two posted. And um...Yeah. Until next time, cupcakes!

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