19. Mulch Ado About Nothing

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Caleb and I arrived in the lobby and saw the mail cart by the reception desk. Uncle Marion dug through it, to check and see if he got another monthly pocket handkerchief.

"Yes! It's here," my uncle exclaimed excitedly as he pulled out a large envelope, "My pocket hankie of the month."

I just shrugged and checked the cart to see if there was anything from Grandma. Every month since I've been on the ship, she would send me care packages. There was always a surprise in each of them. I found it thoughtful of her. Sure enough, I found a box with my name on it.

"Alright!" I smiled.

"What is it Mar?" Caleb asked as he too dug through the mail cart just as Uncle Marion was too hung up on his new pocket hankie to notice us.

"A care package from my grandma."

My best friend nodded at me and then pulled out a package which I guessed was from his parents.

"Oh, stripes!" Uncle Marion smiled after opening his delivery and seeing the pattern on the handkerchief.

"MAIL CALL!" Woody hollered from the other room.

Next, he, along with Zack, Cody, London, Bailey, and the other students ran into the lobby making me think of the stampede scene from The Lion King. Caleb and I jumped out of the way as Uncle Marion darted out with his new handkerchief. We made great timing as our friends and classmates crowded around the mail cart!

"Yes. Yes. Oh, yes. Mom's muffins are the best," Zack exclaimed happily.

"I thought you said your mom was a horrible cook," Bailey said.

"Oh no. If she got better, she'd be horrible," Cody told her.

"Trust me, I've tried her cooking," I informed Bailey and Caleb recalling the few times I've had dinner with Carey and the twins.

"Yeah, we wouldn't dare eat them, but these babies sure are fun to play with," Zack added and dropped a muffin and it bounced back into his hands like a bouncy ball.

"Plus, they make great erasers," Cody jumped in and demonstrated it.

"Yay! My allowance for the week!" London cheered and pulled out a gold bar from her package.

"Whoa!" Caleb gaped at it wide-eyed.

"What do they say when you bring that to the bank?" Bailey wondered.

"Wow." London quoted with her fingers.

"Dang it," Woody frowned as he held up a mumu in front of him which nearly made me crack up.

"Nice dress, Woody. Really brings out your eyes," Zack commented teasingly.

"My mom switched our packages again. This was supposed to go to my little sister."

"Little?" London questioned as she and Zack pulled at the sides of the mumu seeing how large it was.

"She must have got my PJs. Guess I'll have to sleep in the buff," Woody shrugged.

"No buff," Cody remarked knowing what he meant, "Uhh... our room is a buff-free zone."

Bailey went over to the mail cart and found a package with her name on it, "I got a package from the farm."

"Is it homemade pie?" Cody asked.

"A fresh peach cobbler?" Zack jumped in.

"A one-way ticket home?" London smirked.

Bailey and I frowned at her. Even though they were roommates, London was always finding ways to make Bailey leave the ship for good so she could have their cabin to herself. I've told my ditzy friend countless times to try and get used to the idea she had to share the cabin and that it would be good for her.

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