10. Boo You

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Arriving on the Sky Deck, I saw the other students chanting Zack's name

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Arriving on the Sky Deck, I saw the other students chanting Zack's name. I noticed Caleb at the juice bar and approached him.

"What's goin' on here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," Caleb answered as we turned and noticed Zack attaching a long bungee cord to a post.

Both of us went forward and stood next to Cody who was staring at his twin brother like he was out of his mind.

"Now performing!" Zack announced as the crowd quieted down, "A backward body dunking, grab a fish bungee jump...Zack Martin!"

The other students applauded and cheered, except Cody, Caleb and me.

"Look! I can't let you do this," Cody said, "Even though I would love to inherit your single cabin."

"Bungee jumping on the side of the ship? You're outta your mind, Zack!" I frowned.

"What she said," Caleb nodded.

"Guys please if Houdini's brother and friends didn't let him do stunts, where would he be?" Zack asked.

"Alive," Cody, Caleb and I replied in unison.

"Bad example. Now stand back," Zack pushed Cody backward and climbed onto a nearby table, "I'm about to make history."

Just as he was set to perform his insane stunt that would likely kill him, Kirby came around in time.

"Boy!" he grabbed Zack, "This is dangerous and stupid! What are you thinking?"

"I'll take this one. Nothing," Cody replied.

"I'm not letting you do this Zack," Kirby stated.

"Kirby, Kirby, please. If Houdini's security guard didn't let him do stunts, where would he be?" Zack asked the same question.


"I need a new hypothetical."

"I never thought he'd expand his vocabulary," I muttered to Cody and Caleb who both agreed with me.

"Get off!" Kirby demanded and pulled Zack off the table.

"Fine," Zack mumbled as he jumped off the table and struggled to get the harness off of him.

"Let me," Cody offered as he approached his twin.

"Man its stuck!"

Next thing, the twins fought over trying to undo the harness. As I stepped up to break it up, Zack wound up bumping into Kirby who was on the table trying to take down the bungee cord, causing the large security guard to fall overboard. Fortunately, he held on to the bungee cord, which flung him back up and landed in the hot tub. Zack, Cody, Caleb and I ran over to it on seeing him with a fish caught in his mouth.

"Kirby! Are you okay?" I asked in shock as he spat out the fish.

"I hate sushi," he remarked.


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