Chapter 7

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We tried to make something of his words. But the only conclusion that we came to was that Benjamin was either drunk or high. Take your pick. We had decided not to go the the building the next day, as planned earlier, due to severe confusion and well we needed a solid plan.  The next  few days we discussed and deliberated upon plans and theories and only a few, were even a bit useful. We came up with an okayish plan(Clovis said I was just being modest) and decided to execute it the next thursday.

I talked to Eric, and he was a bit annoyed at me bailing on him, even when I had promised that I'd be free. But the emergency was important right?  I apologized  and then well the marshmellow guy really forgive me. However, we both had realized that even without the 'going - with-Clovis-' part, the date was a bit of a disaster and it was better being friends. And to be honest, boy troubles were the last thing I needed then.

Not to forget, we had our tests begining in 3 weeks. So put all the pressure all at the same time on the kids- that's the kind of policy, no matter where, what kind of school you study in, all teachers follow.


Next Thursday came, and I met Clovis for coffee at 5 pm. 

"You're all ready Scarlet?"

"I guess so. But I'm a bit afraid of what we might find there."

"So am I."

I liked this about Clovis. He was straightforward, he didn't lie and deceive. Just said and did whatever he thought was right. Although at times, you might want to be comforted by lies, but that's just not me.

"We just have to try our best not to get caught." I said.

"Yes. We will. "

We modified a few phases of the plan and then we were ready to go. We decided to meet at 10 pm which was an hour after dinner got over.


We met at the gigantic back doors of the school building and decided to take the though longer, but possibly safer route to the so-seeming-abandoned building. 

As assumed, we didn't meet any perils and were at the desired location in about 15 minutes. 

"Okay so you through with the plan?" I asked Clovis.

"Yes." he replied affirmatively.

When we had met with Benjamin and his family, he had told us about this underground entrance to the building, the exact one he used for his escape. It was a wonder, that no guard had found it yet. But then, it was so well hidden, that it was difficult for us to locate it as well.

"We can't waste the whole night looking for the entrance. Someone is bound to catch us sooner or later." said Clovis gravely.

"I'd prefer never." 

We had to look for this certain 'ant hole.' and the entrance was a 100 metres to it's right. It was dark and ants are too tiny, god knows on how many we would have stepped already. Turning the flashlight on to a higher beam, was definitely not an option. After about 20 minutes of searching, we finally found the entrance, and slowly removed the fake layer of grass and entered the vestibule. 

"So far so good." I muttered under my breath.

"The drainage system. Woah. Could have been worse."

"Yeah right. Let's move on." I said.

"To where?"

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. There was a faint noise coming from somewhere, somewhere I couldn't put a tag on, but it seemed relatively close but oh so far away, both at the same time.

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