Chapter One - Last Show

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Hey guys! So this is my new Larry Stylinson story! It's a boyxboy story, so if you're not into that kind of stories or whatever, you might want to leave. I'm typing word-by-word on what I wrote on my iPod, so this may take a while. Aha, hope you guys enjoy, and let me know in the comments if I should continue it or not!

xxxx, Jill.

**Harry's POV.**

"Okay boys, you're on in 30 seconds."

The guy's and I stood backstage, adjusting ourselves to go on. We all looked down the row of eachother as we heard the countdown silently playing in our earpieces and out on stage. I cuffed out my blazer collar and went down the line to see if we where alright.

Liam stood in the front, being the proper leader of the group, the responsible one. Daddy Direction. Zayn followed after him, looking down at his feet as they tapped along to the countdown.

I was next, Niall behind me, just staring out into space like always. And then lastly, behind all of us stood our last member, my best friend, the one I could tell almost anything to, Louis Tomlinson.

As I peeked at him behind my shoulder, I watched as he did his little hair flip, making his hair perfectly messy. My eyes glazed over his own icy blue ones as he looked down. His eyes shot up when the countdown hit 10, and our eyes met. He gave me an encouraging smile that never failed to take my breath away. Louis' smile never ceased to stun me.

He was too beautiful for words.

I smiled back at him before turning around back to my orginal spot. When it finally hit one, Liam pumped up his energry and ran out to the middle of the stage, us reluctantly following him, waving and grinning at the screeching audience. It stil amazed me at how many fans we had. And we loved every single one of them.

"Hello Farfield!" Zayn yelled into his microphone. The crowd went absolutly wild, screaming every one of our names as we moved around the stage. 

"We hope you all enjoy the last show tonight!" Niall said. More screaming.

"And never forget that we love every single on of you to pieces! Without you guy's there wouldn't be any us, so thank you all for supporting us!" Louis cheered into his mic, making my heart flutter at his voice.

Louis glanced at me briefly, a cheeky smile on his face as the intro to "What Makes You Beautiful" started, leaving the rest of us with enough energy for the concert.


"Amazing last show tonight, lads!" Liam congradulated us as we piled into our big black limo. Zayn sat up front with Paul in the passengers seat, while we all sat in the back. Liam and Niall sit across from the seat where Louis and I reside.

"I'm hungry!" Niall states across from us, rubbing his stomach with a frown on his face. Liam ruffles his hair playfully, the leprechaun glaring at him.

"You're always hungry!" Louis and I tease. Niall's glare turns to me. Ooh. Angry leprechaun.

"Don't worry , Nialler. We can get some food on the way."


"Sure, buddy." Liam laughs at the blonde boy as his face lights up. The love Niall has for Nando's is almost deeper then the love he has for his Mum. If not, deeper.

My adrenaline pumps through my veins as I'm still giddy and hyped from the excitement of our last show of our first tour I still can't believe that it was already over!

"You got that right, Haz." Louis says, thumping my back with his hand. I turn to him and give him a confused look, he smirks.

"You where thinking outloud again, mate." he explained, and I scrunched my eyebrows. Why did I always do that?

Oh well. I just hoped I didn't speak my other thoughts.

"So, boys. We're driving back to the location of our tour bus now, and then we will pack all of our things and head back to the limo and back to the house. Got it?" Liam instructed us. We all murmured back our 'yes father's and I lay my head down on Louis' shoulder, my hype finally wearing down. I felt exhausted. Louis scooted closer to me and slung his arm over my shoulder, I cuddle cloder to him. Lou is like a freaking heater. He's always so warm, and this limo feels like a freezer.

"Tired, Haz?" Louis asks me. I yawn in response and he chuckles his deep chuckle. My heartbeat fastens.

"Don't fall asleep quite yet, we'rea almost to the bus." Liam orders sternly, a hint of a smirk playing his features. I groan tiredly and pick my head up from Lou's comfy shoulder, his arm still staying firmly wrapped around it. I felt Louis play like my curls like he always does. It just made me even more tired.

"Can I sleep on our way to the house then?" I ask Liam hopefully. He smiles and me and nods, leaving a weak smile on my face then. I'm going to need a coffee if they want me to stay awake any longer. 

We pulled up to the secluded lot where our tour bus was parked so no fans would attack it, and we all gathered out of the car and into the bus. Mostly we had all packed our bags before the concert, orders by Daddy Direction himself, so really we just had to load our stuff into the limo.

I strided over to my bunk and pull my two large suitcases out from on top of them, carrying them towards the tour bus door.I see Zayn and Louis already packing away their own suitcases into the limo trunk. I waddle over and place mine in next to theirs, Liam and Niall soon following.

"Alright, that everything boys?" Paul asks us, rubbing his hands together. We all look at eachother and nod, running towards the front of the limo to get the best seats. 

"I call passengers!"

"I called it already!"


I laughed at the four boys arguing over who got to sit up front, while I just climbed into the backseat in the exact spot I was befoer. I actually wasn't a big fan of sitting in the front seat, because the people in the front are always the first to die, so I really didn't care. I layed back and listened to the sound of them bickering outside the car. 

After a while, I got annoyed and left the comfort of my soit and got out of the car to see Louis and Niall tackling eachother on the pavement. "Just flip a coin or something!"I yell over thie fighting. They all look over at me and shrug.

"But we don't have a coin!" Zayn points out. Louis then scrambles off the ground, an excited look on his face.

"Everyone put your foot in the middle!" he cries, sticking out his foot first. The boys followe, each sticking one foot in. Louis bends down and touches his foor with the point of his ifnger. The boys watch his hand intensly as it moves around their shoes in his rhythmic voice. 

"Bubblegum, bubblegum, in a dish, How many wishes do you wish." His finger lands on Liam's foot and looks up at him. Liam scrunches his face and he shouts out a number, "7!"

Louis; hand goes around as he counts to seven, landing on his own foot. 

"Dammit!" he pouts, pulling his foot out and standing up straight. The boys continue until Niall stands as the last one, cheering his way to the front seat. The rest of us pile into the back again, Louis climbing in next to me with a solemn look on his face, arms crossed. I poked his toned stomach.

"Sad you didn't get to sit up front?" I cooed playfully, he turned to glare at me. "Awe, c'mere, Boo."

A grin broke out onto his face, and he crawled closer to me, snuggling into my cold side. My head layed back down on his shoulder, nestling deep into it. I could feel his hand softly tugging at strands of my curls, making me tired again. I yawned and all the boys laughed at me.

"Can I sleep now, Daddy?" I mocked Liam sleepily. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm taking that as a yes." I muttered, before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


Did you guys like it? Do you think I should continue it? I already have up to chapter 10 written, so uploads would be up quick if you follow my requirments. None for this chapter though, because I don't know if I'll contunue or not. Let me know in the comments belowww. :) 

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