Chapter Four - Where Are You?

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- Harry's POV. -

"Harry?" Someone shook my shoulder. "Wake up, mate, we're almost back to the flat."

I groaned in annoyance at whoever was disturbing my sleep and picked my head up from Louis' shoulder to frown sleepily at him. The one time, the one time I actually get a decent couple hours of sleep, someone has to pop up and wake me up? Couldn't he just let me sleep in the car tonight? Apparently not.

Louis grinned at my expression and reached his hand over to ruffle my curls. "You're so cute when you're annoyed," he cooed playfully at me. My frown deepend, but that didn't distract the fact that my chest was bubbling with happiness. Louis had just called me cute.

"How far are we?" I mumbled to no one in particular as I crossed my arms and stared out the dark window of the car.

"About 10 minutes." Zayn answered.

I closed my eyes tight and sighed. "That's another 10 minutes of sleep I could've gotten." I mumbled and they all chuckled slightly. All was quiet for a moment before someone's ringtone started bursting through the car. I didn't have to open my eyes to know it was Louis' phone by his ridiculous, but admitidably adorable, ringtone of "Who Let The Dogs Out" but I still kept my eyes shut as I half-heartedly listened to his conversation with whoever he was talking to.

"Hello?" I heard him ask.


"Oh, hey El," he greeted and I could hear the smile in his voice at the sound of his girlfriend on the other line. I gritted my teeth onto my tongue and squeezed my eyes tighter to try and block them out.

But of corse it didn't work. "Tonight?"..."You want me to drop by?"..."Oh yeah, that's fine. I don't think Harry'll mind."..."Yup, we're just pulling into the neighborhood, so I'll probably drive over in about 15."..."Yeah, love you too, El. See you soon."

The quiet beep indicated that he had ended the call. I kept my eyes shut. "Was that Eleanor?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. She wants me to stop by tonight because she misses me, so I'll probably stay the night at her place, while she's in London for the next few weeks," I could tell in Louis' voice that he was beaming. "You don't mind, do you Haz?"

I creaked my eyes open and stared at the celing of the car. "No." I stated blandly, masking my emotions. Actually, I kind of did mind. I mean, Eleanor was lovely and really a sweet girl, but I just can't stand the fact of her with Louis. I don't my opinion, they look more like siblings than anything else.

Shut up you twat, you're just jealous that you're not the one who gets to kiss Louis whenever you want.

Why did my brain always have I be so right?

"Oh shoot," Louis suddenly gasped, looking at me. "You're sick, Harry. I don't want to leave you home alone when you're sick..."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead with my hand to suppress my agitation. No matter how much I loved Louis, I had to admit he baby'd me quite a lot. "I'm fine, Louis. I have a an upset stomach, not dying from phenomena."

Louis bit his lip like he did whenever he was debating something and looked at me worriedly. "I'm not leaving you alone when you're ill. What if you get sick?"

I rolled my eyes. That would be unlikely because I'm not even sick. But of corse I had to keep up my act, like always. "Then I'll-"

"I'll stay the night with him," Liam cut me off with a small smile towards me. I glared at him and was about to open my mouth to protest that I didn't need a babysitter just for the night, but Liam shut me up with one of his looks and I snapped my mouth shut.

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