Ch. 8

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Peter was racing out of school the minute the bell rang. He didn't even wait for Ned or Michelle before running to the suburban on the other side of the parking lot. He saw his dad fast asleep in the driver's seat and climbed in the passenger seat. Tony jumped awake at the sound of Peter opening the door and grinned. Ned and Michelle were coming at a much slower pace, but Tony started the car anyway. Peter would have told his dad how much his first day had sucked and just why he was wearing a new shirt, but Tony seemed too excited. Instead, Peter made up stories about how he had made a bunch of new friends (more like new bullies), how his teachers were so awesome (some were; others weren't), and how lunch was fun because they could just hang out and talk for an hour (or get spaghetti dumped down your shirt). Tony seemed to buy all the stories, though, and was grinning widely by the time Michelle and Ned arrived.

"I'm so glad you had a wonderful day," he said. Peter smiled and nodded as his two friends climbed in the back seat. "Does anyone besides me want pizza? I could go for some pizza." Tony didn't need an answer, he already knew the answer was yes. He pulled out of the school parking lot and drove to the nearest pizza parlour. Of course, he couldn't go in without drawing attention, so he sent Peter in with his credit card to get a pizza to go. Ten minutes later, the three friends were running back to the car with two huge pizza boxes.

"Can we eat it now?" Peter asked. Tony shook his head.

"I don't need my newest car covered in crumbs," Tony said. "We'll be at the Tower in a few minutes. Just wait." They did and by the time they got up to the penthouse, the pizza was at a perfect temperature. It wasn't too hot and it wasn't cold. All four of them crowded the counter and ate the pizza as soon as they could. "Do you guys have homework?" Tony asked, wiping off his hands and grabbing a glass of water.

"No, first day of school," Peter said. "No homework."

"Alright," Tony replied. He emptied his water glass then set it by the sink. "I'm going down to work in the lab. Mom should be up soon."

"Okay," Peter said. Peter, Michelle, and Ned finished the last box of pizza before going into Peter's room. Michelle immediately claimed the chair in the corner (Peter had put it there just for her years ago once the two had become friends) while Ned and Peter jumped onto Peter's bed.

"Did you see the new Star Wars Lego set coming out?" Ned asked. Peter nodded. They talked about Lego's and Star Wars until Pepper called them out.

"Michelle, your parents said they want you home for dinner," Pepper said. Michelle nodded and grabbed her stuff. "Ned, you too."

"Alright," he said. He grabbed his backpack and got in the elevator with Michelle. "See you later, Peter!"

"Bye, guys!" Peter waved. Michelle raised one hand from her book and waved before the elevator doors shut. Once they had closed, Peter climbed onto a stool at the counter to talk to his mom.

"So, how was school?" she asked. Peter told her the same lies he told Tony, giving her a believable smile at the end. "I'm glad. And no one knows you're a Stark?"

"Nope, I can promise you that much," Peter said. If anyone knew he was a Stark, the word would get around quick. Besides, he wouldn't be bullied if people knew he was a Stark.

"Peter, I know school isn't always the best and I won't force you to leave if you want to stay, but was it really that good?" Pepper asked. Peter nodded hastily.

"Of course it was great," Peter told her. "What makes you think it wasn't?" Pepper gave him a look.

"Peter, you're not wearing the shirt you wore to school," she said. Peter frowned and looked down, realising he was still in the shirt he had been found in last year's lost and found box after having spaghetti dumped on him.

"Oh, I changed when I got home," Peter lied. Pepper still looked unbelieving, but she dropped the subject as Tony walked upstairs.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour," Pepper told him. He nodded and wiped his forehead, getting grease on his head. "Go take a shower."

"What? I'm perfect," Tony told her, walking into the kitchen. She tried pushing him out, but he just grabbed her waist and hugged her. Pepper squealed and pushed his face away from hers as he backed her against the counter.

"You stink," she laughed. Tony snuggled closer to her.

"You usually like that," he said. He was about to kiss her but Peter yelled, drawing their attention to him.

"You're both nasty!" he yelled, covering his eyes and plugging one ear. Pepper and Tony laughed. Tony kissed her quickly and let her go. "Is it safe? My poor innocent ears and eyes don't want that!"

"It's safe, Peter," Pepper promised. Peter hesitantly dropped his hands and looked at his parents. Tony walked towards their bedroom to take a shower while Pepper pulled out a recipe book.

"Can I help?" Peter asked eagerly. He loved helping in the kitchen and cooking. Pepper nodded and told Peter what ingredients to grab. Peter combined and stirred everything for the lasagna together while Pepper made the garlic bread.

"I smell garlic bread!" Tony yelled, returning to the kitchen freshly showered. Pepper pulled the garlic bread from the oven and put it in the warmer while the lasagna continued to cook.

"Twelve more minutes," Pepper told him. Tony tried distracting her to get to the garlic bread, but Pepper wasn't easily distracted and Peter was also guarding it.

"Go set the table, Dad," Peter said. "It will make things go faster." Tony rolled his eyes but set the table anyway. Twelve minutes later, the oven beeped and Peter pulled the lasagna out. He set it on the table and grabbed something to serve it with. Pepper put the garlic bread on the table as well and they all sat down. The fight over garlic bread was short lived when Pepper said she would take it all away if they couldn't share, so Peter and Tony made up and split the bread evenly.

"When are the Avengers coming over again?" Peter asked before taking a large bite of lasagna.

"Well, Steve and Natasha are getting back from a mission next Tuesday so maybe next Wednesday we could have everyone over," Tony said. It had been a while since Peter had seen all his uncles and aunt. Wanda was more of a cousin since she was closer to his age.

"That reminds me," Pepper said, wiping her mouth. "Bruce called. He wants to come over tomorrow and work with you in the lab. Both of you."

"Really?" Peter asked. He was usually told to steer clear of the lab when Bruce and Tony worked together.

"Really," Pepper answered. She pointed her fork at him as she said, "So make sure you're out of school on time." Peter saluted her and happily went back to eating his dinner.

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