Ch. 22

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Pepper shut the door to Peter's room after they had all walked inside.  Peter shyly handed a cookie to his dad and Tony smiled, thanking him then eating it.  He handed one to his mom and she did the same.  Taking the last cookie for himself, Peter sat down on his bed and looked at the floor.  He wasn't sure if they were going to punish him for what he said or just talk to him, but either way, he didn't want to look at them as they both said how disappointed in him they were.

"Peter, we're not mad at you,"  Pepper said.  Peter had expected her to say this.  He also knew what would follow was 'we're just disappointed'.  However, that's not what Pepper said.  "I don't know what happened, but I know you two should talk.  Neither of you can leave until everything is resolved, you hear?"  Peter nodded.  He heard his bedroom door open and close as his mom left, leaving him and his dad alone together.  Peter waited for his dad to start telling him off for what he said, but he didn't.  Tony sat down on the bed beside Peter and looked at the ground as well.

"I really am sorry,"  Tony said.  Peter refused to move, worried he would somehow make his dad upset if he even shifted on the bed.  "I guess I'm just not used to the idea of you being old enough to take care of yourself.  I thought that by getting after your bully myself, things would be easier for you.  Instead, I ruined your chances at a regular high school life."  Peter still didn't say anything.  He didn't know how to respond and he was worried he might start crying again if he did.  "I destroyed all my Iron Man suits."  Peter's head snapped up at this and his eyes widened.  "I figured if you thought he wasn't really a hero, then maybe it was true.  Maybe Iron Man really does just-"

"No!"  Peter interrupted, shaking his head.  "Iron Man is the best hero there is.  He's my favourite hero."

"But you said-"

"I was mad,"  Peter told him.  He sighed and looked back down at his folded hands.  "I was upset and thought you felt like I couldn't defend myself, so I said stuff I didn't mean."  Peter took a shaky breath and blinked back tears.  "Iron Man doesn't make things worse; he fixes stuff even when he isn't in the suit.  And I don't really wish you weren't my dad.  You're the best dad ever and I'm glad you want to help me fix my problems, but sometimes I wish you just let me fix them and then just help out if I can't fix it entirely."  Peter cursed himself as tears started down his face.  He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked back up at his dad.  Tony had silent tears on his cheeks as well and that just made Peter feel even worse.  "I understand if you hate me for saying that stuff.  I can go live with Ned if you want me gone."

"Peter, I don't want you gone,"  Tony said immediately.  He wiped his tears and hugged Peter tightly.  Peter wrapped his arms around his dad as they both cried.  "You're growing up and I needed to realise that.  Both of us messed up today, but now we can work together and figure out how to go about things next time something like this happens.  However, if you are bullied again, I want you to tell me."  Peter nodded and hugged Tony tightly.

"I love you, Dad,"  Peter said, his voice shaking.  Tony squeezed Peter tightly and kissed his head.

"I love you too,"  he said.  "But next time, can we agree to talk to each other before fighting?"  Peter nodded and pulled away from the hug, wiping his face.  "All good?"  Tony asked.  Peter nodded and sniffled.  Tony wiped his face then stood up.  "Now, I believe Mr. Barnes has some snicker doodles that want to be eaten."  Peter gave a small laugh.

"I'm pretty sure they're all gone by now,"  he said.  He opened his bedroom door and they walked down the hall to the kitchen.  Surprisingly, there was a small plate of ten snicker doodles sitting by the stove.  Bucky smiled at them both when he heard the walk in.

"Those are for you,"  he said, pointing to the plate.  "Pepper and I managed to fight off the herd of super humans and save them for you two."  Peter grinned and took a cookie.  Tony took one as well.

"Thanks, Bucky,"  Peter grinned.  Bucky nodded and went back to washing the dishes.  Once Peter and Tony had finished their cookies, they joined the rest of the team in the living room.  Pepper smiled at the two of them and they both joined her on a couch.

"Did you two settle everything?"  Pepper asked.  Peter nodded, curling up against her and tucking his feet up under himself.  Pepper wrapped an arm around him and kissed his head while Tony sat on her other side.

"I just wish I didn't have to go back to homeschool,"  Peter said.  Wanda grinned and shook her head.

"You won't have to,"  she told him.  Peter looked at her in confusion and she explained how she had altered their memory.  "When you go back to school on Monday, they'll probably tell you all about the trip.  They think you were sick and missed out on the whole thing."

"Even Ned and Michelle?"  Peter asked.  Wanda nodded.

"I didn't have enough time to specialise each memory, so they'll all remember the same thing,"  she told him.  Peter grinned and thanked her.  She just shrugged. 

"Well, we should head home so I can start on dinner,"  Pepper said.  Peter looked at the floor, smiling a little.  "Don't tell me you're full of cookies."  Peter's smile grew.  "You had six!"

"Actually, I ate a whole plate and a half before you came,"  Peter told her.  Pepper looked like she had just heard him say the worst sentence ever.  Peter laughed as she glared at Steve and Natasha, accusing them of making her son develop bad eating habits.

"Hey, Bucky was the one that made them,"  Steve pointed out.  Bucky protested from then kitchen and Pepper rolled her eyes.

"He's not the one who let Peter eat who knows how many cookies,"  she said.  Peter decided not to tell her he knew how many cookies he had eaten.  The number was not low.

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