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•2weeks later•
Cherish POV
Rye and his workers/fighters and along with David and his fighters left to go in search of this guy who killed Wendy. Rye didn't trust anybody so he asked the warrior guy to watch over me until he comes back.

He accepted and for the past five days he's been guarding the house like a statue. He eats when I cook sometimes and the other times he declines and just guards.

"You know you can just relax sometimes and take a break." I offer him eating lasagna he stands by the sliding doors looking outside like a hawk

"I don't have time to sit around wasting time." He says emotionless I was kind of curious about him

"Do you have a lover?" I ask him he gives me a sharp look before turning back to the glass doors.

"No" he plainly says

"Someone your seeing?" I ask

"No"he said

"Did she die and that's why you don't have one and do you secretly have a child." I ask him again

"I never had any relationships and I don't plan on having one and I don't have a child." He says getting annoyed I laugh

"I can't picture you with a girl."I chuckled washing my dish and went to sit in the living room where he's at.

"Why do you like me or something." He says grimly

"No, I was just asking you look like you'll date a guy anyway."! I say looking at what's on tv he scoffs

"What gave it away?" He ask sarcastically

"Your not the gentle type your more bold and aggressive so it'll be more fitting if you dated guys." I said wondering what eyes doing right now

"You deserve a golden medal for reading me perfectly." He said I smiled

"I did!" I said getting excited

"No." He says plainly

"Why are you like that?" I ask curiously

"Like what." He ask roughly I go and stand up
beside him I see him tense.

"Your so aggressive towards people, you speak boldly without a care in the world. You don't care about others feelings it's like your shutting people out before they get to know your true self." I said looking up at him

"Your wrong just like everyone else, you try to figure out my whole life story but your wrong.
Your just a little air headed naive little girl who doesn't know shit about me. How about you do both of us a favor and get the fuck out of my life story ok. I don't need a little weak ass girl, you need me to survive and be protected!!" He yelled at me his eyes glaring into my tears ones

I ran upstairs and into my room I shut and locked the door. I slid down crying my eyes out, I was hurt and didn't know what to do. It was just like I was young again and everyone yelled at me trying to make it seem like I was a bad girl.

I didn't come out my room for the rest of the day. I stay in the same spot that I was in for hours. I replayed my life over and over again, how I was treated poorly than my siblings.

How they told me they didn't want me as a child, that they only wanted my other siblings.
They always told me that they never treated me the same as them. I didn't have the nice clothes as them or electronics they always had the latest updates and phones.

I never had a phone or nice clothes they barely even feed me. If I did get food or clothes it was only once a week, I didn't live upstairs with them they made me stay in the basement.

My siblings always rub it in my face and bully me. They laugh at how I look and my clothes and how I don't have a phone or nothing good.
I would always cry and run to the basement, they'll follow me and kick me.

I never had a good childhood while growing up.
I was always the black sheep of the family.
When I was old enough I hijacked my ass far away from that state, house, people and my so called family.

I never seen them in years I was still emotional about my past and how I was treated. I cried in the shower and I laid in my bed crying. I fell asleep with tear stains on my cheeks.

Goodnight horrible world.....

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