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"Baby its been a week and I still can't see you or anyone!" I exclaimed as I flopped on the bed pouting.

"Maybe I can give you some medicine." His voice gotten deep and husky.

"Yeah, like medicine solves everything!" I roll my eyes.

I was pushed on the bed with his weight on top of me. He chuckles deeply making me shiver.

"Oh dear, you are so naive sometimes." I scrunched my face.

"What are you talking about?" He tsked cupping my breasts making me groan.

"Let me take the stress away for awhile." He taunts

My lip was tucked between my teeth. I was kind of scared since I haven't did it in three years because of the coma.

"Stop worrying beloved, I'll take my time with you." Kisses were peppered all over my neck.

"Lock the door." The click of the door was all I heard before my clothes was off.

I watch as she sleeps my dear is so damn beautiful. Walking to the closet grabbing a sports bra and cotton panties.

I ran water in the tub pouring bath salts and peppermint scented oils in the bath. Candles are lit and soft music is playing, walking back in the room.

Peeling the covers from her lovely body, I pepper quick kisses to her skin. She groans talking in her sleep, I chuckle.

I slowly pick her up stepping in the bathroom. I hum a song while playing in her hair.

"Rych what is your favorite color?" Cherish questions him.

"I love the color red!!" He says excitedly. She chuckles at how happy he is.

I continue cooking with a smile on my face.

"Can I ask you a question Rychie?" The cute nickname she give him so cute.

"Yes mama, what is it?" He responds.

"Are your eyes a ruby color?" Her question catches me off guard.

How'd she know his eyes are ruby we never told her that they were. I finish plating the food and dishing it out.

"They are that's why red is my favorite color!" He giggles

"How do you know he has red eyes?" I question her.

She looks in my direction her eyes not focused on where my face is.

"I had a dream months ago about my future with you and I already have seen how he looks before he was born." Her voice was quiet

"Tell me dear." I place my hand in hers.

"Me and Rych was outside and I was pushing him on the play set. His eyes were a bright Ruby color and that's when you came outside with our other kids holding them and we hugged that was it." I looked at her shock on my face.

"It was when I was outside and encountered a huge black wolf years ago." She continued

Suddenly the front door was slammed open and heavy footsteps were heard. Stumbling into the kitchen was David,his wife and kids.

"What was all that noise?" Cherish ask out loud

"It was-" I was cut off

"Cherish your awake!!" David yell running to hug her.

"David is that you?" She scrunch her face in question

" yes of course its me!" He says in a duh manner

"Its nice to see your awake Cherish." Davids wife softly spoke

Cherish looked in her direction but not at her smiling.

"Its nice to hear your well, how have your family been doing?" She ask

She looks questioningly at Cherish wondering why she's not looking at her in the eyes.

"We're doing well the kids grown very well." She nods slowly eating her food.

They signal me to step out the kitchen and I kiss Cherish before I leave.

"What's wrong with her?" David asks

I sigh.

"She can't see us, ever since she awoken she hasn't been able to see anyone." I said sadly

"I think I can call upon an old friend to help her gain her vision back" I was confused

"She's not blind." I told him

"Whats going on?" I turn to see Cherish with folded arms frowning.

"Dear it's not nothing important." I try to get her to go back in the kitchen.

"You know I love you, right?" She says

"Yes dear, I love you too." My smile was big I walked towards her holding her tightly to me.

"I don't like being lied to especially by the one I love and loves me." Her face was blank of emotion.

"Ok I'm sorry I won't do it again." Our lips connect in a slow kiss.

"Alrighty let's get to it then!" David yells going to my office

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