Part 4 - Cling to Me

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"Now run! Run and don't turn back!" Kylie Jenner's words sounded far away in Francine's hypnotic state. But, they still called out to her. They got closer and closer, until it was loud and repeated over and over. Francine finally woke up from her trance, shaking. Snekky looked up in a jolt and stared at her, surprised. "Oh no, I don't have any more hypnosis liquid." The snake looked devastated, and started to cry. "Now I'm going to be alone forever," it sobbed. Francine pet the snake's neck and held it close. "Dear friend, why don't you just come with me?" The snake stopped crying, looking up. "Hey that's a good idea! K let's go."

The two friends climbed down safely. "We have to keep going. The boys, aka the monkey guards, are after me. We don't know how close they are, but they're on the move," Francine whispered. Snekky nodded, and made a signal with its tail to have her follow it. "Just cling to me," Snekky said. It wrapped its tail around her hand and they both started moving as fast as they could. "I'm... gonna... poop... my... pants... if... we... don't... take... a... break..." Francine gasped, running very awkwardly now, trying not to poop. "So why don't you just poop?" The snake asked, sniffing a weird pile on the ground. Francine was about to explain that that would be undignified, but the snake gasped and shushed her.

"This here is the Avocado-Monster's feces!" Snekky gulped it all down. "THAT IS SO FLIPPIN' DISGU-" Francine shouted, cut off by the snake's tail clapped to her mouth. "Shh! Do you want to get us digested?" Francine shook her head. Snekky removed its tail from her mouth. "The Avocado-Monster's feces is edible. It has lots of good biker nutrients!" The snake smacked its weird snake lips, tasting the feces. "But..." Smack smack. "The Avocado-Monster will eat us if..." Smack Smack. "It finds us. I hear it bathes you in its own poop and lemon water before it boils you in rum!"

Francine put a hand on the nearest tree for support as she doubled over, puking. Snekky scraped the last of the feces up with his forked tongue. "I don't see what's so gross about it," the snake said. It was daytime now. Francine finished puking, and looked up from the ground. Her mouth dropped open. "Snekky... we're in trouble."

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