Part 8 - A Break?

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"OH my gOsH!" Bumble dropped to his hairy knees, exhausted. "I just ran for 10 whole minutes." Snekky and Francine got off the Avocado-Monster. "So we just... rode towards the sun for a few moments," the girl said, disappointed. "Exactly! You're good at this Francine," Snekky replied. The three friends all sat there, quietly chatting, unsure of what to do next. "Wait! Shh," Francine whispered. Everyone quieted down.

Water could be heard in the distance. It sounded like a calm river or stream. "Dang... I haven't had water for a day and a half," the girl whispered. An exclamation point quickly appeared above Snekky's head. "WE'VE GOT TO GET YOU WATER NOW!" The snake cried. It quickly wrapped its tail around her hand and rushed towards the water. "Wait for me!" Bumble shouted. When they reached the water, they saw something incredible. Water. They saw water. "This better be fresh water," Francine said as she dunked her head in.

"Ooo! This is carbonated water, and it's cherry-flavored," the girl sputtered, slurping up the water. Bumble stared at her. "You remind me of my father slurping up spaghetti through his femur..." He whispered, nostalgic. Snekky was about to pull Francine back since she hadn't come up for air for awhile, when she reached out an arm from behind and grabbed his snake neck. "If you pull me away you will catch my hands and I'll catch yo' clown weave!" The snake immediately backed down, making sure his rainbow afro was on tight.

The three friends rested in the cherry water for hours. "What an amazing break for my kankles..." Bumble sighed. It was like a Jacuzzi. Suddenly though, they heard shouting. Everyone jumped up, afraid it was the monkey guards. But... no. That voice... a woman? A... celebrity? Francine suddenly grinned from ear to ear. She knew who was coming. And she was grateful about it too.

Francine, Snekky, and Bumble all started calling out for Kylie Jenner. They went towards the voice, looking around. Finally, they spotted her. Francine embraced the beautiful woman. "I thought I'd never see you again... thank you for helping me escape," she said. "I'm glad to see you're safe. And you've, like, made some friends as well. This is nice and all but we gotta go. And we gotta go fast," Kylie stated. "I must use the ancient technique I learned from the Kardashians." Cupping her hands to her mouth, she bent her knees and looked towards the sky. "Okurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Her mouth made the most beautiful noise known to the human race. "I have just called Sonic the Hedgehog."

Almost immediately, Sonic was there. He looked like a distorted meme of what humans have known him to look like. "Woah..." Francine, Snekky, and Bumble bleated in unison. "Like, I KNOW right?" Kylie was glowing with happiness. Or maybe that was the radioactive makeup she once tried out. "Gotta go fast, gotta go fast." Sonic cautioned. "Oh yeah. Diddly derp darn that we have to leave this place..." Francine pouted. The three friends gathered up some food and stored some water into their bosoms before climbing onto the memey Sonic.

Monkey guards could be heard in the distance. "Gotta go fast," whispered Sonic, who looked like he belonged in a derogatory autism meme. "Vroom vroom," Snekky cried.  The monkey King burst out of the bushes right as they had gone. They all sped off. "FIDDLESTICKS!" He screamed, enraged. The biggest, ugliest monkey there placed a hand on the monkey King's shoulder. "I will make sure that our troops find them, my king." The monkey King nodded. "You're the head of guards and warriors, Studley. I'm counting on you." "Heh..." Studley started. He shut his helmet. "You'll see."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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