A Teenage Dream Ch.7 Dreaming Can Be Deadly

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  • Dedicated to My Random Dreams


I felt very confused. I was sitting on a stool with a shot glass in front of me. I picked it up and brought it to my lips. I was about to drink it when I recognized the smell of alcohol. I quickly put it down. There was no was I was getting drunk....but then again, it is a dream. I drank the whole thing in one sip. It burned down my throat at first but then it felt good. I got a glance of myself in a mirror. I looked different, very different. I was wearing very short shorts. I was wearing a short sleeved leather shrug on top of a t-shirt. It was kind of a casual outfit but I wouldn't wear it in a million years! My hair was down with waves and curls in the perfect places. I was wearing blue eye shadow with eyeliner and blush. I looked like those wild girls who always partied and made out with guys they didn't even know.

I looked around. It seemed like a nice place. I could see guys winking at me and smiling. I caught this cute boy staring at me. He winked and smiled. I hope that he didn't see me blush.

I turned around and started playing with my cup.

"Ye little lassie want more?" the bartender asked in an Irish accent.

"Um, no thanks. I'm fine and I'm not that little." I said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, of course. It is just that everyone, even a fourteen year-old seem little to me eh?" he said pointing to his gray strands of hair.

"Oh, you're not that old." I reassured.

"Thank you. I see that the little miss has a kind heart. What is your name?" he asked.


"Adeline. Ah, such a wonderful name for a wonderful little lassie. You can call me Mac. It is short for Macintosh."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Darren.

"Hey, sorry I took so long." I gave him a weird look. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Because I went to go talk to my brother who is the DJ. Remember?" he said slowly. I still didn't know what he was talking about, but I played along.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember." I said trying to cover up my confusion. He looked at my empty shot glass and said

"It must have been the drink." I just nodded.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. Wanna dance?" he asked.

"Sure." I replied. He nodded to the DJ and the song switched to "Teenage Dream" and we started dancing. It wasn't that hard to dance. I just moved my hips to the song. I felt Darren's hand move to my waist. It felt so good. We danced to the whole song and then it changed to "2012" by Jay Sean. I loved Jay Sean! I was very happy. I was hoping that this dream would never end.

About half way through the song, he led me to the side.

"Hey, you know you're a really great dancer." and he gave me kiss.

"Listen, I gotta go do something. I'll be back soon okay?" he said, pointing to the Men's Room. I smiled.

"That is sooo not romantic." I said.

"I know. But a guy's got to do what a guy's got to do." he said with a shrug. I smiled and went back to my stool and asked Mac for some water.

"Absolutely! Anything for the kind little miss." He said handing me a glass of water. Darren came out of the restroom and went outside. He caught my eye and pointed to his phone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see the guy who had winked at me before.

"Hey. I saw you dancing. You're really good. Maybe if you danced with me, your skills might rub off. Even if they don't, we'll still have a good time. So, what do you say?" he asked. He placed his hand on my arm. I flinched.

"Hey, don't worry. I don't bite." he winked.

"Lay off her. She's with me." I heard a familiar voice say. I saw Jake step in between me and the boy.

"Sorry dude." he said and walked away.

"Thanks." I said.

"It's cool. But you have to sit with a guy otherwise everyone will be all over you."

"I'll keep that in mind next time." I said with a smile.

"The song isn't over yet. Wanna dance?" he asked. I must have looked hesitant because he said

"I promise I won't be like the other guy. Just two friends dancing, that's all." I let him lead me to the dance floor. "2012" still wasn't over. I danced with him just like before, except I wasn't standing very close to him. The song was about to end and I saw him looking at me just like he did before he kissed me at the movie. Before I had time to react, I felt his lips pressed against mine. I gently pushed him away from me.

"I can't do this." I said. He looked a little hurt. Then he looked angry.

"What does Darren got what I don't!" he yelled in my face.

"Tell me! I've been trying since we were little! I was always there for you! And you just met him!" I actually didn't know what Darren had that Jake didn't. I felt really confused.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I turned around and saw Darren pushing through the crowd.

"You always come in the way!" Jake yelled. He grabbed Darren by his jacket and threw him to the ground.

"Stop!" I yelled. I was going to run in between them when Mac grabbed my arm.

"Don't, my child. It's not safe. They can defend themselves." he said. Darren got up and punched Jake in the jaw. They started fighting. They punched and kicked and threw each other. I couldn't stand and watch them kill each other.

"Stop it! Stop!" I said running up to them.

"Back up." Darren said harshly.

"BACK UP!" Jake yelled. They both grabbed wine glasses and hit them on the counter so that there was a jagged end of glass. They both grabbed each other's necks and held the glass near, ready to slice.

"STOP!" I yelled. But it was too late. Their hands were already in action. I closed my eyes tightly and I heard a scream. I only heard one scream.....that meant that only one of them got hurt.....but which one? I opened my eyes and saw.....

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