Gliter and Gold

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I'm sitting in the dressing room at the dance competition, waiting for Mal. I've done my hair in a low right part bun, and my basic stage makeup is done. My costume is a black two piece with mesh.

"Hey I'm here!" Mal says bursting into our studio dressing room. We are both three hours early because we have a lot of makeup to put on.

"Your late," I smirk opening up my make up box. Mal waves me off and sheds her coat, "so Miss Shae sent me pictures of what our make has to look like, yours is the top on mine is the bottom." I say holding out my phone to show her the picture.

   "Damn it! Why do I always get the hard makeup!" She rambles in French. "What time is she coming at to do the body glitter?"

   "An hour and a half. So we better get started on our makeup." Mal and I both change into our costumes, before starting with our makeup. She does my makeup first, because its easier then I help her do hers. "Hey let's use gold lipstick!" I say panting gold around her eyes,

   "That an awesome idea! I have some in my bag." I finish her makeup just in time. Shae comes in, to do the body tattoos. I go first - so Mals makeup had time to dry - she traces gold patterns up the one side of my body and across my stomach. Then she does the same to Mal, but just in the other side of her body.

   "Girls I want you warmed up and backstage in 10 minuets!" She says a leaves the room, we quickly put on the gold lipstick. Then we bounce back stage, with a few comments from other teams. Makeup causes people to stare. We wait backstage in excitement, it's rare that different levels get to dance together. That paper on the wall says that we're last in the category. So we watch and stretch before it's out turn, two numbers before we go on Mal goes to the other side of the stage.

"Good luck!" Shae says giving me thumbs up. The announcer calls our number and we take our place on the stage. I don't think I've ever danced that hard in my life, Mal and I flip and tumble in complete unison. We finish the night in first place, and an invitation to perform at an event in LA, we accept the invitation, happily. I come out of the dressing room, where mum, dad, Patty, the twins and Tom - no not my Tom, Mals dad - are waiting for us.

Mal runs to her dad, he picks her up and swings her around. "Good job Kit!" Dad says kiss my cheek, mum Sam and Harry do the same. "I bought the video of your performance, to send to Tom and we will do the same with the others."

"Thanks dad, now can we go home so I can wash this make up off please."


   We stoped and got dinner on the way home. I showered then we all crowded around the tv to watch a movie.

   "Hey dad have you sent the video to Tom yet?" I ask taking a bite of my dairy free food.

   "I have sweetheart, but I haven't herd back from him." I sigh, dad tilts his head and sighs "I know you miss him Kit, but he'll be back soon."

   "I know, I'm going to bed." I say leaving my plate on the floor not bothering to pick it up. My statement is followed by a choirs of 'goodnight' and 'I love you'. I crawl into my bed, with my fairy lights flickering over head. I fall asleep to the rhythmic beating of my hear, as I wonder "what's taken over my big brother, Tom?"

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