Another Day of Sun - Part 1

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   "Now boarding, flight 2262 to LA. Now boarding." The automatic voice repeats, I pick up my bag and make my way towards the counter. I hand the lady my ticket, and she smiles.

   "Have a nice flight sweetie." She chirps, sounding all to chipper for someone who's working at 11 at night. I make my way onto the plane and find my seat, it's right next to the window. As the rest of the people board, I'm lucky that nobody else sits with me. It's takes about 13 hours to fly from London to LA, so my bag is packed with things to keep me entertained. A book to read, my phone loaded with music, my laptop filled with movies. I'm glad that mum was thinking about me, but I plan on sleeping the whole time.


The plane has been in the air for two hours now. I'm listening to Cardi B, I listen to the clean versions of her songs. I jam my headphones further into my head, and morph into my seat. I shut my eyes, and the next thing I know, the flight attendant is tapping me on the shoulder.

"Miss, there is an hour till the plane lands." I nod and she smiles and walks away. I rub my face, aww my phone has died. I plug it into the portable charger, I quickly eat a breath mint - I actually eat 7 total - bad breath is gross. For the last hour of he trip, I watch the movie that is being played on the tv screen.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belt as we are beginning our descent." Commands the flight attendant through the speaker system. My ears pop ask the plane lands. I always make it a point to be the last one off the plane, so as everyone else gets off. I pack my stuff. For the second time I sling my bag across my shoulder, and pull the little white suitcase out of the over head compartments.

   The LA sun is bright, I slide on my sunglasses as I look for Tom. I can't see him, but I do see Harrison, his best friend.

   "Kit!" He waves coming over to me. I smile, it's been I while since I last saw Haz.

   "Harrison, it's good to see you." I say kissing him on the cheek. I have four biological brothers but Haz is kind of like my fifth brother. "Where is Tom?"

   "I'm sorry Kit, he couldn't make it. He's at work, but he does want me to take you there." He says, trying to convince me to go. "Kit, I know it doesn't seem like it but he misses you."

"Really Haz? It doesn't seem like that."


Haz and I didn't go to the movie set. We went to Toms apartment. I felt nauseous the whole way home, it's anxiety.

"So I don't have anyway to get in to Toms apartment, what do you want to do?" Harrison asks me.

   "Harrison, don't pull that with me. I know you have a key. I was there when he had it made." I retort rolling my eyes.

   "Ya, Kit but Tom has a surprise for you in there. So let's go to the board walk." Harrison tells me. His phone lights up with a message, from Tom. Harrison swipes the phone before I can see the text. We drive to the board walk, with awkward small talk.

"It's beautiful." I gasp, as we drive closer. There is a large Farris wheel - kind of like the London eye - roller coasters and the smell of the sea. Harrison parks the car, and we walk together to the cheap smell of fair food.

Together we walk through the crowd of chattering people, "Americans, they all sound so funny." Harrison smiles softly. We walk to the end of the board walk. It overlooks the sea as the sun melts into and pinkish orange colour. The soft breeze blows my hair back, and my nose is filled with the smell of the salty water. I'm completely lost in its serenity, then it hits me.

"Harrison I need to go to the toilet, Now!" I gag, he quickly realizes what's happening. My stomach heaves, and vile, vile substances come out of my jet-lagged body. I hold my hair back, and crouch into the waste bin. Harrison rubs my back,

"It's okay Kit," I continue to heave the contents of my lunch and dinner into the bin, for a good while. Once I've finished, I wipe the corners of my mouth and sigh.

"I'm sorry Haz, it's just anxiety and I think what I ate on the plane may have had dairy in it."

"It's all right, Katie." Katie? I turn my head to look over my shoulder, and my brain is unable to process what's happening. Tom is standing right there, my eyes grow wide and once again my stomach betrays me, and I continue to heave into the waste bin that's in front of me.

I'm scared to see my brother.

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