Girls like you

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Before Matilda's surgery she ended signing up to attended my school, she joined at the end of second term. So the headmaster put her in my ballet class. She still can't dance for another couple of weeks tho, today was the first day back to school since her surgery.

The class was normal, same exercises and lectures about various things but towards the end of the class monsieur Mroin made an announcement.

"Next week ladies and gents we will be starting pas de deux. I will post your parings of the board out side of the studio. Class dismissed!" Everyone else leaves but I hang back to help Matilda, and to apologize to Monsieur.

I walk over to where Matilda is sitting, she's packing her small bag. "How are you doing?" I ask helping her stand up.

   "Alright, have you talked to Monsieur yet?" I shake my head no, "do you need me to translate?"

   "Please, you're French is much better than mine is." She grins slyly, "it is isn't it." I have a very basic understanding of the French language, so I can speak it but not very well. I watch/help Matilda walk over to Monsieur who is putting away his class papers.

   Monsieur is very French, and his English is ratchet. Half of the time we can't understand what he is saying, this makes class very difficult. "Ah Mizz Matilda, we feeling better oui?"

"Yes Monsieur, Katie would like to tell you something I am just here to translate." She explains in French, he nods.

"I wanted to apologize for yelling at you Last week. It was horrible of me and it will never happen again I'm truly sorry." Matilda translates, and Monsieur smiles and lets out a throaty chuckle.

In English he replies "It's completely alright Kit, I have two daughterz at home your outburst wouldn't have been ze first one I've dealt with. You are forgiven, now shoo. And Mizz Matilda, get better soon love."


   It's the end of the day, I'm standing and chatting with Casey and Anna. We are going to the mall, just waiting for my mum to come and pick us up. As we're standing and waiting Matilda walks out of the building,

   "Hey Matilda." Anna says waving her over, "feeling better?" Mal shrugs and wets her dry lips and,

"My chest still hurts, what are you guys doing tonight?" She asks,

Casey's glances at me and I shrug "we're all going to the mall. What are you doing?"

"Going home, watch Gilmore girls and sleep. I have an early appointment tomorrow-"

"Do you want to come to the mall with us?" Anna asks, Matilda smiles sadly.

"My dad probably wouldn't let me, but thanks for inviting me." She glances down at her phone, "I've got to go my ride is here, see you guys on Monday." She says waving over her shoulder as she walks towards the parent pickup.

   "I feel so awful." Casey complains, "I wish she could come with us." I see my mums car pull into the pick up lane,

   An idea crosses my mind, I turn to the girl and exclaim "I have an idea!"


45 minuets later we are standing in Matilda's front step with a box full of sugar food. Casey knocks on the door, and we wait, and wait until finally Matilda opens the door.

"Surprise!" We all say together, Mal immediately smiles. Her grandma appears behind her,

"What are you all doing here?" She asks, "we couldn't let you watch Gilmore girls alone. So we've decided to completely disobey all diet rules, and tonight we're going to paint our nails!"

   "Matilda Tara don't make your friends stand out there, invite them in!" Her grandmother scolds.

   "But dad will be home soon, will he be okay with the girls being here?"

   Her grandma scoffs and flicks her wrist, "I'll have Emma stall him, and when he gets home he will have to deal with me."

   "Okay come in!" We all shuffle through the door, 3 pairs of shoes are set by the door and we all thunder up to Matilda's bedroom. Hours pass, the giggles get louder and phone batteries start to die.

   "So you went on a date, with Jax without telling any of us!" I say pointing my finger at Anna. Matilda's lying stomach down on her bed, eating a sweet. Anna shrugs as Casey coats her nails with a purple varnish. "I told Matilda," I turn to face Mal who immediately starts defending herself,

   "I was sworn to secrecy!" I throw a piece of popcorn at her, I stand up and walk over to Matilda's closet. I root around on the floor looking for a pair of heels.

   "Kit get out of my closet!" Matilda whines, I come back out wearing a pair of pink heels with bows on the back. "Ohhh those are cute!!" Casey squeals, she stands up and pulls out another pair of strapy heels. Matilda stands up and kneels down beside her bed. She pulls out a shoe box's.

   "These-" she starts "Are my favourite shoes ever." She slips on a pair of pale pink heels, with gold leafs. She struts around the room showing them off to all of us.

"Okay well now I need a pair." Anna stands up and picks a pair of velvet blue strap heels. We all dance and giggle around the room, we all collapses onto the floor into a pile of giggles. There's a soft tap from outside the bedroom,

"Come in." Mal says siting up. Mr. H opens the door, and looks scared yet pleased. He's unsure of what to say for a moment

"It's all right Mr. H, my dad gets scared around teenage girls too." Casey says, Mr. H chuckles, he's starting to look more like himself now.

"Hate to break up the fun, but Casey, Anna, Kit, you're parents are here to pick you up." There's an aww and a chorus of goodbyes, as are much beloved and need girls night comes to and end.

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