Chapter 3

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The next day I trudged into the school doors hold my back pack on one shoulder and a couple of books in my arms. I found my way to my locker and put everything I wouldn't need in there, then grabbed my books for Art History. I also grabbed my finished essay, I was going to sneak it onto the teacher's desk without people seeing I did it so early.

I wasn't in the group with the smarties and nerds and well I didn't want to be. I carried the plan out and had my paper turned in. Ms. Reed shot me a sly smile and tucked it into one of her files. I returned the smile and took a seat close to the back, next to Sasha.  I shot her a smile and she only nodded in return, weird.  I looked around the class room and saw two empty seats, Luke and some one else, I don't remember who else was in this class.  

A girl I slightly recognized walked in with a school map in front of her face.  "Um, Art History with Ms. Reed?" the girl, Alina asked.  Of course she was in my class.  Ms. Reed smiled at her and confirmed it for her.  Alina turned and walked to the two empty seats and sat in the one closest to the window.  The class started off pretty boring my within the first 10 minutes I had filled a whole page worth of notes out.  I was about to begin a new page when the sound of the door opening interrupted all of our notes and Ms. Reed.  

"Luke, you're 15 minutes late," Ms. Reed addressed him harshly.  

"Sorry, Miss," Luke said, keeping his head down and sat next to Alina.  Half way through the class I saw Alina whisper something to Luke and he said something back.  They both were covering muffled laughs.  

Ms. Reed snapped her head towards them, "Luke, Alina? Do I need to separate you two?"  She asked them, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Yes!" I shouted, then immediately covered my mouth realizing I had said that out loud.  "Oh my god," I breathed the words to myself.  Everyone in the classes eyes turned towards me and I turned my face towards my desk, obviously red faced.  

"If you really feel that strongly, Miss Marcs, then Sasha switch with Alina," Miss told us.  I heard the shuffling of chairs as Alina now sat next to me.  She glanced towards me and I caught her gaze.  She made a sort of face that told me not to mess with her.  A smug smile and slightly squinted eyes. A face also meant to declare war, okay Alina.  You're on.

  I returned to my notes until the bell rang and we all exited through the door excited that Art History was finally over.  I looked around the hallway and spotted Adrianna.

"Ade," I shouted, catching up with her.  

"Uh, hey Lainey." She said uneasily.

"Is something up?" I wondered, I had no idea why Sasha now Adrianna were being cold right now.  

"Nothing, I just gotta go to my next class," She turned away from me.  

"We both have study hall!" I shouted after her.  She looked back slightly, then kept going forward at a faster rate, leaving me in an empty hallway.  I slumped down against the lockers and decided that right now was a good time as ever to check my messages.  I touched my Imessage app and started scrolling through the countless apology texts from Ashton.  I sighed and went out of that conversation and saw i had a new text from Cathy.

"Is it true?" Is what true? I wondered, while I texted her back that message.  I picked myself up and walked aimlessly around the halls.  Study hall was basically a free period so I could so anything I wanted really.  I was even allowed to leave campus to get lunch or something.  I walked toward the office to sign my name out.  When I walked in I saw a girl with dirty blonde hair, crying while on the phone.  I treaded lightly to the desk and signed out then picked up my bag to leave.  

"Wait," I heard from behind me, I turned around to see the girl sitting behind me.

"Look, I know I'm THE Lainey Marcs, the most popular girl in school but I'm not everyone's therapist." I said coldly.  I was annoyed that all my friends were practically ignoring me today and I guess I just snapped.

"They told my mom she has two weeks," The girl sobbed.  Oh my god, I'm such an asshole.  I sat down next to her.

"What's your name?" I asked softly.

"Delilah.  Delilah Fleur." She answered, still looking down. I didn't know what to say so I kind of just awkwardly patted her on the back and exited.  Very awkward.  

I headed towards the back exit of my school and set off in my car to the nearest fast food restaurant around.  When I got back to school I saw that the next period had started.  Shit, I'm supposed to be in Maths right now.  

I ran breathlessly into Maths class just to have Mr. Crew look me up and down nad say, "Miss Marcs, 10 minutes late, really?" 

I mumbled apologies and looked around to see the only open seat was next to Ashton.  Shit.  What a shitty day.  I sat down next to him and he gave me a glare, I didn't know what I had done wrong.  I ignored it.  

All my morning classes were finally over and I headed towards my usual table in the center of the cafeteria.  I set down my food and tried to squeeze in between Sasha and Adrianna but they seemed to be not moving, so I just picked up my food again and tried to squeeze in between Ashton and Michael but that wouldn't happen.  

"Cathy!" I shouted.  Cathy's head shot straight up, her curls bouncing with it.  "Can I speak to you," I aksed firmly.  She did a curt nod and followed into an empty hall. "What the hell is going on?" 

"Well Adrianna and Sasha are really mad because Carissa Rodriguez told Sasha that she overheard you yelling at Ashton for not asking Sasha out becuase apparently you said that 'Sasha is desperate' and yelled about Alina and just were a major bitch, and that's why they're mad."  Sasha finished in one breath.  

"Well why are the boys mad at me then?"

"Uh, Michael told me that Alina told Ashton that you totally blew up at her and called her a bitch and whore and much worse things and were super mean to her." Cathy admitted. What? I hadn't had either of those conversations.  I'm guessing that the Ashton one was just a rumour but I think Alina lied to Ashton directly about me.  That motherfucking bitch.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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