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to : nev & maz

subject : i know that this isn't exactly what you normally do, but why not try something new ?

message :

dear nev & max

my name is madison harley i live in the downtown area of dallas texas. my friend victoria ward and i met on instagram victoria lives in kentucky so we never really but but  it feels like we've known each other all our lives, when we turned 13 we decided we wanted to make a joint instagram account to become more social with people around the world . we have been on the account for 5 years , during this time we have become very close to about 16 different people . ashley in florida . fawn in oklahoma . josie in kansas . brittney in california . alphy in jersey . julie in north carolina . courtney in georgia . kelise in michigan . naomi in seattle jessica in indiana . mel in denver . quin in montana . christian in new york . logan in oregon oscar in new mexico and caroline in ohio. we talk to these people almost every day and we all have become like one big family .

so i was hoping that you would help us come together . with your help we could meet our dysfunctional family .

it would mean the world1 if you could help us out

~ xx madison harley xx

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