Who Is The Alpha?

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The brothers were trying to get the hang of their powers in the game. They have trained to control it before do they thought it would be easy.

They had ways to know that they are in control of the powers. Trueno's was when his eyes turn red and his hands have red lightning around them and all over his body; Viento's was when he was able to create a small hurricane in his hands. Tierra's was when rocks form around him.

Fuego's was when his arms were alight with Fire, Hielo's was when his hand turned to solid ice. Hoja's was when flowers his size grew around him, and Sol's was when his entire being beamed with light.

They tried to control them like how they did in real life, and as expected, they succeeded.

Trueno sighed in comfort as he felt his eyes turn a familiar red, and his body cackling with lightning.

" This feeling is so familiar, " Viento said as he guided the little hurricane with his hands.

" I agree. It feels soothing, " Tierra said, touching the rocks around him. He sighed. " And to think we haven't used these magnificent powers for 4 years..... "

" Was it really that long ago? No wonder we felt something missing from us, " Fuego said. He looked at the fire on his arms, happy to see his creations.

" 4 years.... I can't believe we have been here for so long... " Hielo said, noticing his reflection in his ice hand.

" When are we really going to get out of here? The Alpha wants us dead for some reason. Why can't we just remember who he is? " Hoja said, stroking the big plants beside him.

" Our avatars are connected to our bodies in real life. Maybe the reason why we don't recall him is because our memories of him got erased. Remember the time we had to get our heads sorted out when our memories got scrambled? " Sol said.

" Yeah. That was a long time ago. Fang wouldn't stop worrying, " Viento said. They all giggled at the fun memory. Then the laughter died down, pretty quick.

" Do you really think our memories of the Alpha got erased? Is there any way to get them back? " Hoja said.

" I don't know. I've never experienced it before, " Sol said.

They noticed Trueno hasn't been saying anything for the whole time, they turned their gaze at him. His eyes were flickering from red to brown. He seemed to be in a trance or something.

" Trueno? " Tierra called. But Trueno didn't answer. Instead, he held his head in pain and squeezed his eyes shut. His brothers ran to him.

" ....... T... Trueno? Can you hear us? "
Viento said.

Trueno opened his eyes, they were still flickering. He was breathing heavily, and was sweating madly.

" Thunder! "

The call of his real name snapped his out of the migraine. His eyes turned back to red. He shot his head up.

" Thunder, are you okay? What happened? " Hielo asked.

" I.. Don't know. I just.. Suddenly fell into a trance, " Trueno said. He was trying his best to not worry his brothers.

" Are you sure you're feeling okay? " Sol asked. Trueno nodded.

" I'm alright. I think that was just a side effect to the lightning power, I don't think there is anything to worry about, " he said.

To be honest, he wasn't fine at all. He suddenly fell into a trance because something came into his mind and kept in there. He felt like he was controlled to not move, and was tearing him from the inside. It made his powers unstable, and was going to burst if his brothers hadn't called his name.

They had enough for the day and went back to the room. Everyone else was there.

" You're back! How did it go? " Scopio asked when they came in.

" It went well. We were able to get in control of our powers, it is more stable now, " Tierra said.

" That's good then, " Calypso said.

" Yes. But something happened. Trueno suddenly fell into a trance and eventually had a migraine, " Sol said. The others were surprised and confused.

" A trance? How did that happen? " Asantia asked.

" I don't know. But I don't think it's any big of a deal, " Trueno said.

Just as he said that, he received a message. Only he did. He opened his menu, and saw the notification. He selected it.

I'm coming for you.

" ...... " he kept quiet at the message. He didn't know what to say.

" Trueno? What is it? " Viento asked. Trueno sent him and everyone else the message he got.

" What? " Scopio said.

" Okay, that's a little creepy, " Pike said.

" It has to be the Alpha. There's no one else, " Cj said. They all nodded. Then a notification came up. This time, all if them got it.

You won't be able to control those powers for long here. I can control you, I can control them.

" Okay! I'm not liking this! " Xela said.

I'm won't attack you just yet. That would obviously destroy the fun. No, I'll let you get to the final level, and meet you there.

" He's trying to get under our skin. We'll, he's doing a very good job at it, " Scopio said, getting angry and irritated.

There's someone I have. Oh, yes, someone of your kind, Thunderstorm. And your other werewolf friend. If you want to get her, go to the werewolves' safe zone on level 86. I shall meet you there.

Laila immediately turned her head to Trueno. " We're coming with you, " she said. Then, another notification came up.

No, I'm afraid he will have to come alone, wolf girl. He and I have some unfinished business to attend to. Alone.

" Crap, " Laila cursed.

" He really wants to play that game? What do you think, guys? " Scopio said.

" Well, it's clear that the Alpha can see where we are, what we are doing, how we are, since he clearly objected Laila's suggestion, " Viento said. Trueno nodded.

" The answer was right in front of our faces, " he said. " The Alpha is the on who made the game. "

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