Lacey's Journals ( 14 years old )

80 15 14

Jan.,1st 2012

The first thing mommy said to me on Christmas Eve morning of my birthday was,I love you Lacey and she also said that her baby girl is no longer a baby.I noticed that she had a small beautifully wrapped gift behind her back.She looks at me and says as she hands me the present,this present is from me maw.She told me that if anything happened to her she wanted me to give this to you.As I'm opening my gift tears are streaming down my face so mommy wipes them away with her thumbs.I open the box lid and nestled on a bed of pink velvet is the most beautiful pink diamond heart shaped necklace and matching earrings.These belonged to my me maw who gave them to your me maw who gave them to me and now they are yours to give to your daughter when you have one.I think they are beautiful and thank you mommy,you're welcome sweetheart.As I finished my shower and dried off I blow dried my hair,curled it into long ringlet curls with my sides pulled back in pink diamond barretts.I put on my make-up and perfume.My gown is going to be a more mature color this year.I've decided it is going to be a sapphire blue satin form fitting gown with a matching shawl,and white heels.When Nate saw me he dragged me under the mistletoe and told me how beautiful I looked and gave me a kiss that literally took my breath away.


I woke up this morning not feeling very well,I kicked off my covers and was heading to the  bathroom to get my shower when I fainted.The next thing I know I'm at the hospital under an oxygen tent.Mommy and daddy are in here with me looking worried because of me.Mommy looks over and asks me how I'm feeling,I tell her not very good.What's wrong with me mommy,the doctor says that you have bronchial pneumonia.What's that?that's when you have trouble breathing and your lungs fill up with fluids.When can I go home?Until your lungs are cleared I'm afraid you're going to be here for a while.Can't I go home?I don't want to be here all alone.Oh sweetheart as soon as he says you're well enough to come home we'll be here to take you home.I happen to look towards my door and Nate is standing there holding a dozen of pink roses.Daddy went over to him and told him what was wrong with me.He put my flowers on my table next to my bed and took my hand and kissed it.He looked right into my eyes and told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved him too.I was in the hospital for two weeks before they would let me go home.Mommy,daddy and Nate were here every day.I wasn't allowed to go back to school for the rest of the school year so all my homework was either brought by my house by Caroline or Nate.I hope that I'm well soon because our annual vacation is coming up soon.Oh yeah,I even missed my graduation ceremony because I wasn't well enough to go back to school.


I am well now so tomorrow we'll be leaving for our vacation.Mommy and daddy said that I could pick this year's vacation spot.It's been really hard trying to figure out where to go this year but I have finally made a decision.We are going to go to Hawaii,Kuai to be exact.I so can't wait to go and enjoy the sand and sun.Nate will be going with us because his mom and dad have an important business trip and they couldn't take Nate.Yay me,I wonder what he will do when he sees me in my bikini for the first time?I haven't worn a bikini since I started getting my breasts.I can't believe how tall Nate is already and he's only thirteen like me,he is at least 5ft.11 inches tall,whereas I'm only 4ft.10 inches tall.I'm short like my mom whereas Rayna is tall like daddy.Talk about an amazing vacation,we did some snorkeling and canoeing as well as para gliding,we attended all the luaus.We all went to the beach everyday and Nate did not like the way other guys were looking and whistling at me because some even tried to get my name and phone number.I told them sorry because I already have a boyfriend.He just puffed out his chest  like a peacock.This vacation was the best by far.I have to say that I could live in  Hawaii but,you know what they say there is no place like home.

Dec.,25th 2012

Yesterday I turned fourteen and mommy said she can't believe how fast her little girl is growing up.I always get so many wonderful presents on my birthday,but this year I told mommy and daddy,as well as everyone else to donate all my presents to the children's ward at the hospital.I want to bring them some happiness because some of them are dying and they deserve some joy in life before they do.Daddy also said that he was going to donate one- hundred thousand dollars to the children's ward at the hospital.It made me feel good to do something for the children.Also I asked mommy and daddy if they wouldn't mind giving the children Christmas presents and have a Christmas party catered for them and they said that they would and that it was a kind gesture.They also said that they were very proud of me for thinking about them because they wouldn't be home for Christmas and some will never go home and that made me so sad.I also told mommy and daddy that I just wanted the holiday for us this year instead of the big lavish dinner and ball afterwards.Besides us the only other people that came over were my boyfriend Nate and my best friend Caroline.I think this was the best Birthday/Christmas ever,besides turning fourteen.

She's fourteen now and such a kind loving generous young lady.This book is so special to me because two years ago my father passed away at the age of eighty years old and he was such an amazing man and such an inspiration to me.I know that he would be proud of me if he was alive today.This is for you Pop,I love and miss you very much.

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