Mommy and Daddy's Letter

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Mommy and Daddy I didn't know that I would be writing this last and final letter.I want you both to know that you have been the inspiration in my life.You have always given me nothing but your love.I feel so grateful to have had you in my life,to have given me guidance when it was needed.Tell Rayna I could not have asked for a better sister and that I will miss her and I love her.Please tell Benji and Danny that I love them and was proud to be there big sister and I will truly miss them.It was such an honor and a privilege to be a part of the Rutherford family.I will miss you so much mommy and daddy you both were such wonderful devoted parents and I love you so and I always will.Whatever I chose to do you always stood by me and let me know that I could accomplish it.It just warms my heart knowing that my sweet baby girl will have me maw and pe paw to help guide her into adulthood and becoming the young lady that she was meant to be.I know there will not be a day in her life that she will not know and feel the love that I always felt.Just knowing that my baby will have you and her daddy to shower her with so much love makes my having to leave her not quite as hard.I know that she is in the best of hands and the warmest of hearts.Exactly what words can you speak to tell someone how much that you love them and how much they mean to you.I can't begin to tell you what your love has meant to me.I don't want to leave you mommy and daddy but I am afraid this time it's not up to me.I may not be in there in human form,but I will be in spirit to help watch over my little princess.

Good Bye Mommy and Daddy I love you.

Please don't cry for my passing but smile for the joy that I left behind.

I love you all and one day we will be together again,until that day you must live everyday to the fullest.

Well this is the last and final part of Lacey's story.I hope you took this journey with us..I've been asked by a dear friend to write Lacey's daughters story so that will be one of my next projects.Please take young Lacey's journey with me,who knows where it will lead us.Thank you for loving this book because it was a pleasure to write it.Please vote and comment.

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