Little Lacey's Letter

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My precious girl,If you are reading this letter my angel then it means mama had to leave you in daddy's loving care.There is so much that I want to say to you that I don't know where to begin.I guess the first thing that I want to say is how much I love you and I wish I could be there with you and daddy.The moment I laid eyes on you my daughter I was In love with you You were so  beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes knowing that I will never get to hold you again.It breaks my heart knowing that I will never get to see you crawl or walk or talk,when the first words that you would say would be mama.I will never get to see you celebrate your first birthday,or pick you up when you fall and say that everything is going to be alright.I won't get to walk you to your bus for your first day of school or help you with your homework or with a school project.I won't be there when a friend may be cruel and make you cry.I'll miss out on the times that we would go to the local mall and do some shopping together and then have lunch afterwards.It hurts me to know that I won't be there to comfort you when a boy breaks your heart,or for your first real kiss and the boy that you know in your heart of hearts is the one.Just like I knew daddy was mine.I'll miss your prom and graduation.Most important of all I'll miss out on you marrying the one and only true love of your life,becoming a mother for the first time and me becoming me maw and daddy pe paw.But above all these things in your life,you my precious daughter I will miss the most.I would gladly die again so that you could live,you are and always will be my heart and greatest accomplishment in my life.

Good Bye my sweet little Lacey always know how much your mama loves you.

I will make you a promise my daughter,I will always be watching over you and your daddy.

Even though you will not be able to see me just know that I am there.

I Love You Lacey Jaye Grenville

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