Change my Life Around.

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So she became more arrogant and worse very skimpy clothing. Of course I didnt mind because in high school everyone changes right? Well she also changed her personality, she soon only cared for boys,sex, drugs, all that kind of stuff girls would tend to think about sometimes. But then she did something that can never be forgotten or forgiven.

She told all of her friends and my friends about my cuts and how I self harmed. She also began telling lies about how I was a bulimic and she has seen me throwing up in the bathroom. Also that I wouldnt eat anything so I had to be anorexic. She ruined my freshman year.

She also threatened to tell my parents about everything. Oh, bit instead she did something worse.

So I was in photography class, before that there was some bickering with me and J because of a phone. She told me that I had to tell my parents to pay for something on her phone and I was just a heap of bull. So I told her that I have no reason to do anything she says,  she has parents amd she purposely did that thing so they should pay for her mistake not me.

But instead she began ganging up on me with another couple of girls, saying that she doeant care if I wrist so deep that I bleed to death. And she never considered me a friend, or wven an acquaintance.  That I meant nothing to her and im a fatass attention seeker. Ahe just kept on going and going. By then, I already left the classroom and bawled my eyes out in the girls bathroom. Oh and btw she did it through text. She also said that no one cares for me and never will.

I was sent to the counselor and that day my mom was forced to come and I had to tell her about my self harming, it was a mess. Also, some other man came saying that I was threatening her? Like seriously, I was in tears that day because of all that happened. It was hell. And my ccounselor selected multiple therapists and physiologists for me, he even considered anti depressant pills. I wasnt that depressed,  and I know he just said all of what he said because he wanted to sound good. Everyone treated me like a fiver year old, checking up on me every minute a day.

But what really didnt make sense was when I was done with all the self harming and depression and drama at school. My counselor never called me in and completely forgot about me.  So to this day, I never liked him and knew he was just saving his job and making himself look better.

Also, as of right now, I dont get bullied but I do get teased in a friendly way. I never will talk to J again, she became a carefree girl and does whatever she wants.

But because of all that, I am a stronger woman. I no longer care of what people think or say, and that should be for all of you guys and girls. Dont let someone put you down, they just want you to get to their level. Also, maybe they dont have a good family or something wrong going on  in there life, so always try to think of the bullies position.

But remember, you are so important. People do care for you, I care for you. Be yourself and stay strong.

Tell me what I should talk about next? Hope you all liked this chapter and its extraa long for y'all!

Also, I wont be able to update this week.

1. im going to Las Vegas for a couple of days.

2. Its my mom's bithday on Thursday.

3. Im going to be with family for a couple of days.

So next next week I will update as much as possible.! I love you all ♡♥♡♥♡

My Secrets. (My Self Harm, EatingDisorders, Bullied,Self hate, and Recovery)Where stories live. Discover now