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"Okay," he said. "I gotta go to sleep. It's almost one." "Okay," I said. "Okay," he said. I giggled and said, "Okay." And then the line was quiet but not dead. I almost felt like he was there in my room with me, but in a way it was better, like I was not in my room and he was not in his, but instead we were together in some invisible and tenuous third space that could only be visited on the phone. "Okay," he said after forever. "Maybe okay will be our always." "Okay," I said. It was Augustus who finally hung up."

That was the last Amy read before closing her book and put it in her hobo bag. It was almost 2 pm and at 2.30pm she had one of the last classes left that Saturday for her EMBA. Only three more months and it was over.

Amy loved her career because she was really good at what she did, but for the first time in a long time she was tired of studying and her work. From Monday to Friday she worked on an economic consulting firm and in the Saturdays she was in Columbia taking classes for her EMBA. The worst part is that her life had been like that for the last ten years when she went to College to study Economics and Finance.

Looking back Amy could not believe that her whole life was within the walls of the Columbia Business School and her workplaces. That was not the life she dreamed as a teenager in Middletown and if she could talk to her 17 years-old self, the advice she'd give herself would be "Don't go to Columbia if you don't want to, because I assure you that in 10 years you won't like to see who you became"

Despite that her life was not so bad. Amy had a good job, her own apartment, a degree from the School of Business of Columbia, a great family less than two hours away, a couple of good friends she had made over the years, but nevertheless she always felt something was missing in her life.

She knew what that something was and that she would never see him again because the world and even New York was too big to meet him again and because neither of the two knew where the other was for years.

Amy got up from the bench in Riverside Park and she began to walk the road back to college, but this time trying not to think about the past and focusing on what she had to read for the next class, but each time the small metal key hanging from her neck beating against her skin, it was like being hitting a small knife in her chest, not letting the damn wound finished to close after years. What's worse is that every time I tried to take off that necklace, the guilt or memories were too strong for her and she ended up putting it back in place.

That was the reason why none of her relationships lasted and, like Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars, she felt like she was a grenade and she had no intention to hurt anyone for not having the strength to let go her past. Deep down she hope that someday the right man came to make her forget everything but part of her was tired of waiting.

When she finally got to the campus and when she was going to the Uris Hall, she saw one of her good and old friend, Sarah, waving her arms making her a sign on something that even Amy couldn't understand. She guessed that Sarah was calling her but she did not have time or inclination to talking about nonsense so she walked to the building until she heard a shout saying "Amy wait!" and she decided to wait hoping that the talk was not much lengthened.

"Sar, what happened?" she said when the other girl came almost breathless after running almost half a block to her. "A guy... Was asking... for you..." Sarah said trying to recover normal rhythm of her breathing. Lot of study, little exercise, that was the problem in their lives. "A guy? What guy?" Amy asked trying to think of someone who she has to speak or something like that, but nothing was coming to mind. "I don't know. He didn't told me his name. He asked me if I knew of you and when I said yes he told me if I could give you this. And that when you saw you'll know who he was." Sarah said giving her a brown paper envelope to Amy. "He gave you this for me?" Amy said, taking the envelope and looking it before opening it. "Yep, just this."

Amy stared for a second on the little type catalog envelope in her hands, it had only written "Amy" on the front. She could not even recognize from whom was the handwriting so she opened it and when she looked inside there was only one photo. It was a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge, right in the middle of the bridge.

For a second she didn't understand what it meant but in a second the pieces fell into their place. "Sarah, how was the guy who gave you this?" she asked putting her free hand on the left shoulder of her friend. "I don't know. Tall, 6'0" probably. Brown hair, almost dark blond..." Sarah said trying to think of what she remembered. "He had blue eyes?" Amy asked again trying not to lose the little calm that she had left. "I dunno, he had sunglasses. A black Ray Ban Wayfarer."

Of course he had glasses, because anyone could recognize him by his eyes. "How long ago he was gone?" Amy asked, again looking at the picture she had in his right hand. "He went to the East Harlem side two minutes before you got here. Amy, you know who he is?" asked Sara, now worried about so many questions without any logic. "Fuck." she said almost to herself and looking to the buildings, were beyond them was Amsterdam Ave. "Yes, I think I know him. If he is who I think he is, I know him." she said looking back at Sarah. "And..." the girl said, moving her hands, telling Amy to continue. "And if he is who I think, then he is back." she said biting her lower lip and smiling to herself.

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