Chapter Two: The Next Morning!

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To Bring people up to speed, Oliver had went to the drugstore and got a special drug that him and his mother had put into her now-ex husband eating of a bully and being sent out of a window as his heart actually came out of his chest and exploded on the ground while letting out final gross humor. Now that, You're caught up to speed and the real fun's about to begin.

The Next Morning or I think this author must be a charming fellow.

Oliver woke up the next morning feeling excited and his mother left him a note that she was going to be gone throughout the weekend with her bingo and bridge friends for a drive into the country side and she had called her friends last night right after the events to tell her friends that she wanted a full women's retreat with the country side. "Morning, indeed. I guess that I have to do the shopping today indeed and using the last paycheck that Mr. Brice gave me to cover his food bill which its also me off weekend."

He had set out on foot to go shopping as he got his coffee and thrown his shirt and shoes on and went out the door. Four women was noticing him in a coffee shop walking and was staring at his ass that he didn't notice them at all while they was seeing the bulge that he was spotting with the shopping list that he was holding in his hand. They had to get him and they wanted him really bad.

An hour later, after finish shopping, Oliver was making his way back home to call the rest of the day on his resting with bags in his hand and being the celebrity that he his. But, first before heading home, he stopped into the cover shop to take a breather and to order himself a quick pick me up.

The four women that was checking him out earlier was watching him pay for his coffee and they got up to go talk to him. The first one spoke, "Excuse me, sir but those are very amazing eyes that you have there and I bet that you are very single." He quickly responded as he took a slip of his coffee, "Thank you very kindly, I do have some very amazing eyes."

The first one had a curvy body with glasses like a schoolteacher as she looked more like 30 while the second one sat down next to him had the appearance of a lawyer while being more on the slim side and was smiling at him with her blonde her flapping and looked like 40, the third woman was a brunette and had the appearance of a super-heroine with being a little touchy towards him that she was in her mid 30s and the fourth woman was the second oldest yet seemed to be in her mid to late-30s single mother and was more like the normal one of the four women.

"I'm Oliver Lancaster and I work in a business that deals with real estate." He shakes their hands as he's smiling and invites them to sit down. "I'm Ellie, I work at home as an author." The first woman with the glasses shakes his hand back. The second woman with the blonde hair quickly responded, "Goldie and I'm a travel saleswoman all over the country. I say that you are a wonderful man with skin so chocolatey and very nice to meet you." The third woman with the brunette hair responds, " Hello, I'm Meghan, I'm actually your next door neighbour that we live on the same floor for the past five years and I didn't get a chance to meet you completely but I'm an author too." "Well, hi, Meghan and sorry about that." "That's quite alright, Oliver." The fourth woman responded while she kissed his hand, "Oliver, I'm Lucy and I work also an author, erotica." "Wow, Lucy and I'm impressed." He blushed at at the single women and one thing lead to another that they have been talking for nearly three hours and it went by rather quickly.

"Oh fuck, I got to get home and I have been talking to you lovely ladies for a while which I didn't feel bored at all. But, would you four come alone with me and we can talk more at my place?" The four together said, "Sure, we could and you can make us a pot of tea and some scorns!" "Excellent, let's get a move on ladies!"

Four Women and Oliver (Currently Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now