Chapter 4

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The whole flight I was thinking about Madison and all the good times we had together. It took us 4 hours. During that time I remembered the first time I ever met Madison.

Madison and I met in July of 2013. I was at a beach party in Miami. It was a huge party. A lot of famous musicians were there. I went with one of my closest friends, Carly. When Carly and I got there we walked around together and decided to look for something to drink. We walked for at least 15 minutes until we found a smoothie bar. Carly and I get our smoothies and we sit on the stools. Both of us were drinking our smoothies and talking about what we were going to do. I started looking around and I see this crowd of people there and I turn to Carly and ask,

" Did you see who they were crowding?"

"No, I didn't but I want too!" Carly replied back. We pick up our smoothies and walk there. That's when Carly said,

"Oh my god! Its Cody Simpson! Oh look its Alli too!" I pretended that I knew who that was and acted excited for her. She knew I didn't know who they were and gave me a death stare. I just slowly slipped my smoothie and looked away. Carly let out a little laugh and told me she was going to try to get a picture. I said OK and waited for her. There was a huge line so I decide to walk around the line and the Simpsons. I walked around and I saw her. I couldn't be live how pretty this girl was. She was wearing this dress that was just amazing. She was more to the side of Alli and she looked like she was waiting for them. I thought she was just standing there. Yeah, not the smartest thing I've ever said. I walked up to her and said,

" Wow! What do these guys even do? I don't get why they're so popular," She looks at me and gives me a look. I think 'Wow. Not a great way to start off a conversation or flirt!'

"Hey, what was that for?" I quickly reply. She replies back by saying,

" Well first of all, those 'guys' are my friends and they are very good singers." I got lost in her words. She was just so damn sexy.

"I'm sorry I have no idea what you said because your beauty just took over me." I said back. She giggles a little. I thought 'Wow aand she has a sexy giggle! I need her in my life!'

"Let's start over." I walk away and then walk back towards her.

"Hey, I'm Ahad" As I say that I brush my hair trying to act all sexy and flirty." She laughs and says,

" Hi, I'm Madison. How are you?"

"Good and how are you?"

"Good." We keep talking and I feel like its going amazing. 30 minutes later Carly, Alli and Cody walk up to us and I hear Alli saying,

"Ooo! What's going on here?" I immediately start blushing and I look at Madison and she is too. I stand up and say,

" Hi. Umm I'm Ahad. Nice to meet you guys." I shake Alli and Cody's hands.

" Hi nice to meet you too. So what wee you guys talking about?" Alli eagerly asks.

"I was getting to know Madison." I reply. "Hey Carly I think we should umm head over to the ummm beach." I say quickly.

"Oh the beach? Madison and I would like that wouldn't we Maddy? Madison was still blushing but replied yes. We all decided to go to the beach minus Cody because he had to do something. Us 4 were all having fun at the beach especially Madison and I. Alli and Carly were both swiming while Madison and I were chatting and just having a lot of fun. She was laughing and I knew that we were perfect for each other. I finally had the courage to ask her out and she said why not.

She ran to tell Alli where we were going and came back and we went to the buffet the hotel was having. We both sat there and just talked. We talked about our lives and what we wanted to do further in our acting careers.

After that convo I said,

" You know since it's kinda dark out we should go and have a bonfire." She looked up at me and smiled and said,

" Yeah. I'd like that." We finished our food and grabbed a blanket and supplies for a bonfire. We set it up on the beach and it was just us two. Right before I was about to light it Alli, Cody and Carly saw us and decided to join us. We both looked at each other and thought,

' Well it'll be kind of romantic?'

"Oh. How are you two love birds?" Carly asked. We both smile and say fine. Cody and I light the bonfire and look for a spot to sit. Alli purposely set it up so I could sit next to Madison, which I didn't mind, and so I did.

A few minutes later Alli said to Madison,

"Maddy you look kinda cold."

"Yeah I kind of am." I quickly thought

'Be romantic Ahad and give her your shirt.' (It was a button up shirt and I was wearing a tank top under) I quickly unbutton the few buttons that were buttoned. I stand up and hand it to her and saw Madison smirk a little.

"Why don't you sit close to Ahad too?" Alli said. I though Madison would say something like "Shut up Alli!" but instead got up and sat on my lap and snuggled in. I was so happy.

That's where I fell asleep on the plane.

4 hours later we land in Arlington. Torri and I grab our backpacks and exit the plane.

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