Chapter 13: Lifes A Bitch. Its Not Supposed To Be Fair

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Chapter 13: Lifes A Bitch. Its Not Supposed To Be Fair

*Ada POV*

Ugh. I hate this. I flushed the toilet and jumped back into bed with Justin, where I knew he would wake up because of the noise and movement. Don't worry. I brushed my teeth too.

"Ada.. Are you okay?" He asked while his droopy eyes opened.

"Yeah. Just morning sickness. I'm okay. Go back to sleep."

"Kay.. Love you."

"Love you to." Soon he was asleep within seconds. Where I took a few minutes to fall back asleep...

"Ada. Time to wake up baby. Schools today." I heard Justin whisper to me. Little fucker.

"No.." I moaned.

"Adalyn. Now is not the time to be all hormone pregnancy like. I need you to wake up and take a shower."

"What time is it?"

"5:38 am. Wake up."

"Why the hell are you up this early?!"

"I have to be at the school early everyday. So I really need you to get up baby girl. I already took a shower and breakfast will be done by the time your out." I sighed, knowing I couldn't win this fight. I felt like shit honestly. I wasn't even that far along. Now I understand why people tell teens to not get pregnant. It's a pain in the ass and you'll hate it the first 7 weeks. Already. I got up, and walked to the all to familiar bathroom, and turned on the shower. Once I was finished.. I found some ripped denim shorts, a black tank top, my millions of bracelets and rings, and of course my pride and joy.. My combat boots. I looked like a normal teenager on the outside but.. On the inside I was freaking out. I didn't want anyone I know about this baby. I could barely tell Justin without freaking out. I found my backpack, phone, charger and headphones. I was weird, and walked downstairs to see a sleepy 6 year old and a very wide awake 25 year old. Also known as my new family.

"Morning mommy." Cody smiled. I loved this kid.

"Morning Cody. How'd you sleep?" I asked smiling down at him while Justin waited to be acknowledged.

"Great! I had a dream where you and daddy had the baby and he looked exactly like daddy!"

"Wait.. He?"

"Yeah. The baby was a boy.. I kinda wanted a sister.."

"Honey, you can't tell in a dream if you have a brother or sister. Your going to have to wait a few months."


"That's just how it works." I finally got to Justin where I could give him attention.

"Morning Mr. Wake Up My Pregnant Girlfriend Early Because Shes In A Really Shitty Mood."

"No swearing Miss I Can't Control My Mouth Because I Talk Like This All The Time." He joked back.

"I love you."

"I love you to." He smiled and kissed me.

"GROSS!! MOMMY DADDY THAT'S NASTY! YOU GUYS ARE ICKY!" We laughed at Cody because.. The kid freaking hilarious. Justin was definitely his dad.

"Whatever Cody. You say that when your all kissy face with your girlfriend in about 10 years."

"Ew! No girls are icky! They have cooties!"

"What about me?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

"Mommy! I'm sorry!" Then Cody started crying for no reason. He put his arms in the air, indicating he wanted to be held. I sighed and picked him up. He held onto me like I was his real mother and he hadn't seen me for three days.

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