Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Adalyn's POV

Justin and I were wrong.

What we were doing was wrong.

But I could tell you right here and right now, it felt so right.

All Wren and Kameron cared about were what Justin and I did and how far we were in things.

Annoying, right?

I didn't like telling too much, they both knew that. I guess they thought I would tell loads of stuff since Justin was older, I guess. Kameron was all giggly about it, but we all know how she feels about it all. Wren was a bit weirder about it. I understood though. Justin is my teacher.

Plus Wren was always weird about me doing things with guys. Especially guys even slightly older than me. But now that I was involved with a guy that was eight years my senior- I turn seventeen this year.

I was currently taking a test. Just an FYI, I hate tests. Always have, always will. But I always did well because I didn't want to retake them or deal with a test more than once.

I loathed this class. Not because of the class work, or any of that. Because of all the girls that transferred to his class at the beginning of the year because they all wanted to sleep with him. I'm being serious.

I might as well give you an update on mine and Justin's friendship or whatever it is.

He and I were getting along well. His divorce was moving smoothly since his ex, Carly Quill, I was surprised though, since the way Justin spoke about her, she seemed like a horrible human. He told me about his six-year-old son, Cody Bieber. Justin spoke about his son like he saved his life, Cody was his everything. The kid seemed bright, smart, and one of a kind.

Justin and I continued to be very flirtatious and couldn't keep our eyes off of each other. We were constantly exchanging looks at each other in the hallways and in the classroom. Especially in the classroom. I couldn't help but look at him. He was so nice to look at.

In the middle of me looking at Justin, I caught Wren's eye who didn't look impressed. He needed to get over himself. I didn't know why he couldn't be more like Kam. I was being bratty and bitchy like I used to be. You'd think he'd want me to be in a better mood since I've basically been in a bad mood since I was like eleven.

I finished my test with a good amount of time left in class, well over half of the class wasn't done. But we need to remember- Justin's classes are basically filled with horny teenaged girls.

I rolled my eyes and turned in my test in the tray by Justin's desk.

When I got back to my seat, I turned slightly to smile at Justin, he was already looking at me nonchalantly with a small smile on his face.

I sat on my phone texting Kam and Wren, they finished their tests a little before I did, but they didn't care about school as much as I did. I mean, I don't care too much about school... I care enough to get good grades and pass. But Justin has had an influence on my caring for school. I feel as if my friends and family have noticed. Well, the very little family I have. It's just me, my mom, and my sister. My dad left years ago for a basic blonde bimbo of a wife. Maybe that's why I'm having some sort of affair with my teacher.

Yikes, that was too weird.

"Class, you have ten minutes left, you may not retake or stay after for this test. What you get is what you get with this test." Justin announced, more than half of the class was not done. I felt bad for Justin, the grades his students get to reflect on his ability to keep his job. I wish they'd pay more attention so his job wouldn't be on the line.

I almost felt bad for the people in the class too, but I also remember that they've basically bullied me my entire life so I don't feel even slightly bad about it. But, what they do reflects on Justin. It's super annoying and he's constantly worried about it.

"There's the bell, turn in your tests on your way out. I'll have these graded as soon as possible. Have a good day." I decided last minute that I was going to stay after class.

"Guys, I need to ask Mr. Bieber about something real quick. I'll see you guys later." They both walked off, Wren looked annoyed about it, but what's new?

"Hey," I said walking to his desk.

"Hi, Adalyn."

"What's up?"

"Just stressing over the fact that my students don't want to learn from me and my divorce is being finalized on Thursday and I'm also super stressed about that."

"If you want, I can go with you to your finalization... " What was I doing? I was a teenager, I had no business going to a divorce finalization. Especially since I was sixteen and Justin was twenty-five.

"Are you serious? Like, really?" He seemed super delighted.

"I mean, yeah. Why not? I'd miss school and it sounds interesting. Carly as a whole person sounds very interesting to me."

"She's a character I'll tell you that. I can't believe I wasted so many years of my life on a girl who I knew deep down, never loved me. But at least I got Cody. He's the only good thing that came out of that marriage."

"Why did you marry her?" I was getting nosey, but I just couldn't help it. Why would he marry such a horrible person?

"Carly and I started dating when we were young. Our families were friends and our mom's practically forced us together. They loved the idea of their two little babies being together and getting married and all. I always felt the pressure to get married to her and push down the feeling that I never loved her. By the time we were adults and in college, well, I was in college. Carly was trying to get on the cover of Playboy. I didn't feel I had any reason not to. She was the only person I ever did anything with. I never dated anyone else. It just felt like the next thing we had to do. But hey, everything happens for a reason. That reason just took me forever to figure out it was a mistake. There were a million signs and reasons for me to leave her. But, oh well. The relationship is over now. Plus I'm moving on. So, no biggie." Yikes. I knew I got the short version and the whole thing sounds like a major mess to me. And I was only sixteen.

"Um... Wow. Yikes."

"Yeah... So um, I'll pick you up around eight? You can also likely meet Cody tomorrow. He's obviously not going to be in court with us and all, but it might go long enough to where I have to pick him up. Are you okay with that?" Meeting his son?? Um.

"It's totally cool."

"Oh. That's good. So um, how's home right now?" I almost forgot he and I had gotten personal one day and I told him all about my home situation and my family.

"It's... How it usually is." I was going to continue but the second hour late bell rang, I was late. Really late. "Shit. I need to go. Ms. Ross is literally going to kick my ass then murder me."

"Hey, hey, hey, no worries. I'll write you a pass." Luck to me, I had a teacher for a friend.

"Thank you." Justin quickly scribbled onto a small paper and went to hand it to me.

"Here you go, Ms. Foster, try managing your time a bit better next time, hm?" The smirk was back again and I was digging it.

"You're the one keeping me busy, Mr. Divorcee." Flirting with Justin was becoming my favorite thing.

"Getting a bit comfortable there, aren't we, Ms. Foster?" He pulled me into him and rested his nose on mine.

"I believe you're the one getting comfortable, Mr. Bieber, aren't you?" We were about to kiss but then...

"Mr. Bieber!!"



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