Chapter 34: Just Take Me

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Chapter 34: Just Take Me

*Ada POV*

Today marks the 14th day I've been married to Justin and we haven't heard anything from Carly since. But Justin has been a little bit more touchy feely with me and I'm actually kinda scared because he's touching me like Tyler and Jeremy used to. I mean he's not raping me but the way he's just feeling me and touching me. I'm not getting the vibe that I got from Jeremy that he wanted to hurt me it's just I think Justin wants sex I can't give him. Like seriously I can't give you something if I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant with your child. Sorry and I don't suck and blow. Nope. I've got better things to do than do that.

"Hey Justin make sure you hand out those tests today. It's been a week since you had them take it and some kids don't have their password to the online school."

"Okay.. I'll do that. Oh can you make dinner tonight? I have a meeting I need to attend. So.. Love you." Justin told me while he pecked my cheek and walked out the front door. I told him I loved him to. Cody was still sleeping and since Justin couldn't make it today, Pattie was coming with me to an ultrasound. I knew Justin felt bad about it but.. He can't help when he had meetings.

"Hey Adalyn how are you?" Pattie asked me while I tried searching for Cody's cereal box.

"I'm fine. Can you still come with me to my ultrasound today?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Justin was so upset that he couldn't make it to see baby Jadon.

"Yeah. Sometimes I forget he's a teacher and not all mine."

"Has he been showing off his new ring?"

"Oh yes. He's always like 'sorry I'm married' and all that. You can see the pride in his eyes when he tells people we're married."

"He's just a proud daddy that's all."

"He's not a dad to any of my kids yet. All we have is Cody right now."

"Don't say that or something will happen to you. And we don't want that." Pattie scolded me for my words and I found Cody's cereal box. Pattie went to wake up Cody in his room while I started to make his breakfast. I still don't understand why Pattie said that though..

*Justin POV*

As I arrived at work, my smile grew. Nothing could make my day any worse because I knew when I got him win could see my wife who I still couldn't stop smiling about since I loved her so much. Every student was looking at me weirdly since I usually would come with talking Adalyn talking about some random 'homework' assignment.

"Mr. Bieber?" I heard a perky voice ask me. I turned around and saw Paige's best friend Saige.


"Where's Adalyn? Didn't you two get married two weeks ago?"

"Saige who I'm married to is none of your business." I snapped at her who seemed shocked since just a few minutes ago I was happy and thinking about my wife.

"I think it is because you're married to your student."

"I don't really care what you think." This girl was crazy thinking I would just spill out mine and Adalyn's life on a silver platter. Heck no. If you didn't notice I like not being in jail and having my pregnant wife sleeping with me every night. Once I was settled in my classroom I thought about her again. I mean I don't think about her much any more but the fact that she had cheated on me and in a matter of us breaking up I had found another girl to hold onto that was only in high school.


"HOW COULD YOU CARLY?!" I screamed at my non ashamed wife.




"THEN WHAT WAS THAT?! WHY WERE YOU SCREWING MY BEST FRIEND! JESUS YOUR JUST LIKE HALEY!" Haley was her sister.... Who was currently a stripper.


"YOUR LIKE A FREAKING CAR SERVICE! SHOULD I YELL TO THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD THAT YOUR LEGS ARE OPEN 24/7?!" Okay yes that was a little mean. But I'm pissed so give me a break. I just found my wife was cheating on me... And today was our anniversary. Nothing hurts more than that.


"Mr. Bieber?"

"Hm?" I questioned, looking at my student who had obvious dyed hair and (that was out of my bet, bright red. Adalyn's bright red.)

"I don't understand this.." She sighed, sticking her silicone in my face.

"I don't understand why your sticking your boobs in my face when I'm clearly married. If you have a question on the homework that's fine but really I will not cheat on my wife." I told her, she looked shocked that I had even talked to her like that because I was usually a nice easy going guy with my students but I was in a committed relationship with someone I loved. She gave me a disgusted look and strutted away like she owned my classroom. Not my fault I don't want to be a Carly and cheat.

"Okay class, take out a pencil and put everything on the floor. We have a unit test today. When you are finished you may play on your cell phones, read a book, sleep I don't care. As long as your quiet and respecting the others around you. I'll tell you when everyone is done. You can start when you receive the test. Good luck." I heard groans around the classroom. But really this wasn't my choice to give them the test. It needed to be done. The smart kids started instantly and the kids who mess around all the time looked completely bored and tired, they probably stayed up late last night playing on their phones to playing video games. I wish I could go to the ultrasound.. That was my child. And I learned from Adalyn that I better make the most out of what I have with my children before they leave me for good.


Hey guys this is probably short and stuff but I don't have my phone or iPod I'm typing this on my moms iPad because she took my things away and I don't know where she hid them but she doesn't know I know that pass code to her iPad. So this can be out secret. I'm sick rn and that's how I'm giving you thus chappie. I'm sorry I can't update a lot but I'm trying. Schools a bitch. I have to go now... Byeeeeeeeee

~Alexis Bieberr~😘💋💋

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