Chapter 10

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No ones pov.

Valt yawned as he stretched his arms, really tired out from training with Chloe, it usually isn't just Beyblade training but also physical training that Chloe told him is a regular thing for her to do.

Chloe at this point wasn't surprised by his more than disappointing stamina, yet his Determination balanced that out and is probably the most admirable trait about him. She glanced at him as he mumbled just loud enough for her to hear ''by the way, Theodore Glass will be here today'' she stopped what she was doing and turned to him, suggesting by her reaction he can guess that she isn't looking forward to it at all.

''that's.... strange'' she mumbled quietly as she averted her eyes from him to the sky 'why would he just come here for no reason?' this thought went trough her head as she could basically feel Valt staring at her, already knowing what his expression is going to be, her eyes went back to him and as she expected his expression is a mix of worry and confusion.

''Theodore isn't a good guy, you don't have to see him if you don't want to, ya know.. Is everything ok..?'' Chloe only shook her head, it isn't really possible to avoid Theodore, even if she wanted to.

''it's fine, I have to talk to him regardless'' she mumbled quietly as she returned to her training, seeming more stressed, which made Valt sigh a bit before returning to the session as well.

After an hour of training, Valt took a break, while Chloe still continued, not batting an eye at him sitting down on the ground, clearly tired out.

''how come you can just train like this for hours..?'' he mumbled, grabbing his bottle to drink some water, she didn't stop and blantly said ''Simple, I'm used to it''. Valt chuckled softly, have gotten used to these short and blunt replies from her.

He got back at it shortly afterwards and to his surprise  she decided to show him new tricks, like knocking him down to the ground or against a tree multiple times, obviously letting out her frustration. Though he didn't manage to copy what she showed him, he at least knows how to.. somewhat block it.

After another 2 hours, Chloe noticed to her dismay, that it was time to get back to the main hall for an announcement and she had somewhat of an idea what it will be about...

Valt seemed a little tense, knowing how stressed she seems about his info, maybe after this, he could suggest a good midnight session, so she can let out the build up frustration..

Soon enough, they reached the hall and sat down next to Sasha accompanied by Free, who has fallen into a nap, leaning against her. Without much of a thought, Chloe sat down next to Sasha, Valt right away deciding to settle down next to her.

''I honestly don't know what to think..'' Sasha nodded at Valt's statement, not really knowing why Glass can come here, especially after what all he's done..

Chloe didn't bother saying anything, if anything, talking about it won't reveal anything anyways until he arrives, though.. she can't hide the fact that she's both curious and worried as to why he'd come around, despite not announcing it...

They sat around for quite some time, getting increasingly nervous while Free was still sleeping against Sasha, snoring ever so quietly. Finally, after another 20 minutes, Chris and Trad finally entered the hall, Theodore not far behind, Chloe tensed a little as she saw him, yet composed herself before anyone could see it as the three reached the stage

"Alright, everyone, i know this is on quite a short notice but, Theodore Glass wants to make a certain announcemant, you can take it from here Glass.." The owner of New York bulls nodded, a clearly sly smile on his face as he stepped forward to make his announcement. "i know for a fact that all of you aren't too fond of me but this is quite important and a great oppurtunity to somewaht redeem myself in your eyes.." a quiet chattering broke out, most not at all interested and others actually pissed that he was allowed to come to BC Soll in the first place.

Theodore doesn't seem surprised by the reaction, quite the opposite, he expected it as he just continued to smile. "quiet down, all of you!" most stopped at Trad's forcefull command, still glaring at Theodore as he thanked Trad for silencing everyone.

"So, now that all of you are listening, i can finally explain what Christina and i agreed oppon. BC Sol and New York bulls will from now on have monthly competitions, where the battles will take place will be announced at every beginning of the month" everyone reacted both shocked and disbeliefed, loud and angered chattering yet again broke out.

Valt could'nt at all believe his ears, why did Chris agree to this Madness?! it doesnt make any sense, she knows how bad Glass is! Looking to his right, he could see that Chloe seems really perplexed at the Adult's words.. Trad once again silenced everyone, this time more aggressivly to really show his frustration, while everyone became quiet, Free has been awakened by the comotion, Looking drowsy and honsetly annoyed.

"and to show my seriousness, i brought along the newest member of raging bulls, she's likely to shock you.. come on in" he called out,everyone, including a still perplexed Chloe turned to look at the opening door.. the girl's eyes widden as the Person revealed herself..

to be continued...

Heyo, Im so sorry for not updating for so long everyone, i was both unmotivated and didnt know how to continue but now i finally got my Motivation back, so i'll likely update soon and I'm also close to finishing the next chapter of denials, so ya can expect that soon, until then :p

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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