Although it really happened to Tyler Joseph, as he was going to college, that his car radio got stolen the song is not really about his lost. The song is more about situation that he has nothing to distract him anymore and that he has to think about his problems and emotions.
In his song Tyler Joseph tells us that he is constantly thinking about everything in every possible scenario and that he suffers from it. The music from his car radio helped him to shut out his thoughts and now without it he has to think about it. Farther he feels so lost and helpless that he says "I could pull the stirring wheel" meaning he could end his life by running his car off the road and also end his feeling of not being able to escape the monsters inside his head and therefore his suffering.Basically this song is about him driven to suicidal ideation by the loss of his car radio and therefore his distraction.
Tøp Song Meanings
SonstigesI'm trying my best to explain the meaning of their songs... At least what I think they mean. I want to apologize for my grammar by now. I chose to write in English and not in my native language 'cause wanted more people to have the opportunity to r...