This song is written so that you can interpret it in different ways. I think it belongs to the songs that are influenced by their Christianity.
Whith starting the car he begins his new life as a Christians. He realizes that he has lived a life full of sins and piles them up, like miles behind a car. As he says the "the headlights are driving south" he means towards he'll and he is ready to Crack the car and fall out into a life full of sin. But then he remembered that Jesus had died to free him from his sins when he says "You buckled up your heart for me to drive away with". He begins to understand that his Christianity is real. When he is talking about a demon he is referring to Satan who is ready to creep in his life and to convince him to live in sin. As he notices a breathe that doesn't belong to him it means that Satan has an influence in his actions and that he no longer lifes a life in Christianity.
After that he thinks he can no longer life such a sinful life and wants Satan to send his footmen to him as he says "please just send them all my way" But he is reminded of the heart which was given to him and realizes that Christ is still with him and can't be taken away from a truly saved.
As he says "I understand why God died" he means the necessity of Jesus dying for humans sins on the cross.
Tøp Song Meanings
RandomI'm trying my best to explain the meaning of their songs... At least what I think they mean. I want to apologize for my grammar by now. I chose to write in English and not in my native language 'cause wanted more people to have the opportunity to r...