Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It was an extremely hot day. Kaylee had been busy outside all day shucking corn. Once she finally finished she went inside, showered, and then sat down with her phone. She got onto Snapchat and noticed a new add. She went to see who it was and it was a guy she'd never seen before. Kaylee was a bit... dumb when it came to social media, which you'll find out more about that later. The guy's name was Connor, she added him back. He immediately began texting her with "hey," the conversation:

me: hey
cboy01: what do you look like?
me: what do YOU look like?
cboy01: sent pic

I actually realized how CUTE this dude was, AND I noticed that he was standing outside of the school that I went to, as the school banners were in the background. I realized he must've been a highschool student at my school district. 

me: how old are you?
cboy01: 16
me: cool, i'm 13. what even is your name?
cboy01: i'm connor, you?
me: nice name, i'm kaylee.

How was I supposed to know, at that exact moment that one picture would turn into something everlasting?

We began talking daily. Just small talk at the beginning. 

We talked for about a month, maybe even a month and a half. I began to lose track of time because I began catching feelings over this guy. We began to find things out about each others, we started knowing a lot about each other and we even began to learn each other's habits.

cboy01: good morning beautiful
me: good morning handsome
cboy01: what are you up to on the fine morning? let me guess, eating?
me: how'd you know?
cboy01: you're always eating, silly.

We started learning SO much about each other. I actually started believing that Connor was a good guy. I mean, shit, he even started realizing my love for food. We had a conversation where he said whenever he got his driver's license, he would bring me food all the time, anytime I was hungry. I mean, that's goals.. right? 

-I ate.. a lot. I never gained any weight from it though. Food was probably one of my most favorite things in life, besides talking to Connor. I ate like constantly, but I stayed around 90-100 pounds.-

After about 2 months of talking, we had a good, but strange conversation.

cboy01: hey beautiful, so i have a question.
me: yesss?
cboy01: would like to try something out?
me: depends on what it is. i'm always up to try new stuffs.
cboy01: would you like to try dating me?
me: but C, i'm only 13. you're 16. are you sure you want to try this?
cboy01: anything for you.
me: thennnn, yes. of course, dummy.

We dated for about a week. Life during that week was.. GREAT. We didn't rush into things at all, and we didn't even say "I love you" during this week.

One day, during this week, I lost my phone. I had looked everywhere for several days, but once I finally found it, I put in on the charger rushing for it to charge. I knew that I needed to talk to him, I had to. But once I got on my phone, he told me he'd moved on. It was around 4am when I first started talking to him, and our conversation lasted about an hour. He'd moved on to my best friend, Melissa. I tried messaging her about it. 

me: hey, liss.. can i talk to you?
mlb_02: oh course kay, what's up?
me: omg, i'm so glad you're up.
mlb_02: what's wrong bbg?
me: so.. connor....
mlb_02: look kay, he told me he was single. and he started making posts about me. once Lea saw them, she messaged me going OFF on me. saying how i was such a hoe for dating your boyfriend. i had no idea kay, please don't be mad at me. i told connor that i couldn't be with him if he was going to be cheating on my best friend. he told me he'd broken up with you and that you were just crazy.
me: melissa... 
me: i haven't even had my phone in almost a full week. i lost it. i haven't had any way of talking to him or anything.
mlb_02: oh, i just broke up with him
me: you didn't have to
mlb_02: no, i did. but i always have to get some sleep because i have to get up super soon. i love ya kay, don't let him get to you.
me: love ya too.

I can't believe he'd done that. I trusted him, I loved him, and I think I was falling IN love with him.

The next afternoon I decided to really talk to him about the situation.

cboy01: hey
me: hi?
cboy01: look, i'm sorry, i just moved on
me: DUDE, i had lost my phone for 3 days. that was it! and you moved on THAT quickly? you had to of been talking to her before i lost my phone or something. because one does NOT move on so fast... or maybe you just never really cared.
cboy01: kaylee.. of course i cared. you know i love you.
me: you don't love people you cheat on.

I didn't open his messages for the rest of the day. The next morning he tried texting me again. Me being the dumb person I was, opened them and began texting him. I figured, we could be friends. And friends only. Or so I thought.



Hey guys!! Kylie here! I didn't really know how to end this chapter, so yeah, I know it's a pretty crappy ending! Haha!

Keep in mind, this story is based off of a romance I previously had, that I've yet to give up. I guess our bad habits can't always be gotten over. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to work on writing more throughout the week, but with 4th of July being in just a couple of days, I don't know how possible it'll be to get a 2nd chapter out this week.

Anywayssss, thanks for reading! :)

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