Chapter 8: My Big Grounding pt.2

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.....As I was curled in my moms bed, she decided to check my phone. She then noticed a photo of me smoking. She took my phone away again.

The next morning before I slipped out of bed I decided to grab my phone and head into the bathroom to begin getting ready. My mom woke up, unexpectedly asking for my phone. I told her I didn't have it and that it must've slipped under the bed.
"It's fine, I'll just have it shut off." 
I walked out of the door ignoring that statement she made. Of course I lied to her, I really DID have my phone. And she wasn't lying to me. She really DID shut my phone off.

Whenever I got home, she set something up to where it buzzed whenever it reached internet. In that moment, I got caught with it. She took it, sat down on the recliner, and started going through my Snapchat memories. I got pretty nervous then because I had some "not-so-appropriate" photos in my memories. 
Just a little heads up, my memories included *covered* nude pictures, MORE pictures of my smoking, me flipping the camera off, and some pictures with curse words in the caption. Might I add, I wasn't a very good child per se. 
The first thing she saw was a nude picture. You could tell I was in the shower and naked, but I had a sticker covering any slight nudity. 
She flipped. Starting swinging, made my cartilage earrings bleed, and might I add, left a gnarly bruise on my leg. I ran upstairs, locking my bedroom door behind me. I was crying, in pain, obviously. But I knew I deserved it.
My mom knew a lot about me and Connor, so she said she'd call his mom and discuss our relationship. I began freaking out then too. I loved him, and god knows what she'd say.
She ran up to my bedroom door and told me that she texted his mom, asking her to call. 
She didn't call until my mom and I had headed to Tractor Supply, so I was right next to her. Hearing every single part of the conversation.
Apparently, Connor's mom asked him if he knew any Coopers, and apparently he said he hugged one a lot. At least he wasn't too embarrassed to say he knew me. That's a first.
My mom told me not to talk to him anymore, but little did she know, I already stole an old phone we had laying around the house, and I had been using Snapchat on it.
Connor asked me to hang out this weekend, and since I was grounded, I obviously couldn't. I told him no, he said okay, then blocked me.
Monday after school I ran up to Connor.
"Hey." I said. "Yeah?" he asked. "You blocked me." "yup" "welll, why?" I asked.
"I wasn't about to get in trouble with the law." "You wouldn't have, but whatever." I said before we reached his bus. I finished with, "Just know, nobody will ever love you near as much as I do." I then stormed off.
Whenever I got home and got internet, I got onto Instagram and noticed a text from Connor.

Connor: As soon as you turn 16, I'll date you.
Me: Why would you wait for that? You won't even know who I am in 3 years.
Connor: You're unforgettable
Me: Whatever

He left me on read, and it was the end of our conversation.
A few days later Connor added me on Snapchat again.

Me: yeah?
cboy01: i'm sorry
Me: ok? you don't want to get in trouble with the law, that's fine. just don't text me.
cboy01: i do want to talk to you. i love you.
Me: whatever. you say that WAY too much
cboy01: i mean it though
Me: ly2 ig

That was the end of our conversation before I got caught. With my mom's old phone. She was just speechless. Which, she couldn't hit me because I had already filed a child abuse case on her. She just told me to start packing my stuff. I was going to live with my grandparents. And that exact thing happened. 



Hey lovelys!! I'm sorry this chapter is so short, turns out I really should've combined the two parts, haha! So here is my full grounding! 

The next chapter is going to be based on the future, which I mean, obviously hasn't happened yet, so it may be a little off-the-wall!

Thanks for reading!

until next time, 
Ky ;

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