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"I can't believe this is happening!" I say, with an eager tone to my voice. "I know, but you know what they say Kaylee. Don't let the groom see the dress. It's bad luck," he said, almost as if he was worrying. "What would we have to worry about anyways," I say, walking out of the dressing room, winking back at my fiance.
It's been 5 years since anything bad has happened between me and Connor. The night of his party was really a life changer for us, and we've been engaged for 2 years. He proposed ON my birthday, like how romantic? What is there to worry about? Right?
I step onto the platform, looking at my dress in the mirror. I really wasn't feeling this dress, but my mom was the first to release her opinion.
"Well honey, it's not really 'you' per se," she said, making very well sure I wasn't getting this particular dress. I have to agree though, it's not my favorite!
I walk back into the dressing room when the sales lady handed me another dress to try.
I try on the dress and immediately gasp. "Babe, you okay?" I hear Connor say with panic in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I chuckle while walking out of the dress room. I heard a gasp from everyone included in my audience. My mom, my fiance, Jessica, Willow, Hailee, Holly, and Wayne. They. All. Gasped. If I was determined earlier, I am now, this IS my dress. I step onto the platform, careful as ever not to tear anything. "Wow," I said, in shock of this beauty. "Mom, is it 'me'?" I asked. "Honey, it's so you," she said, sounding heavily excited. The flowy, gorgeous dress was about to become mine.

"Babe, that's so fucking hot," Connor said, being different than everyone else's opinion

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"Babe, that's so fucking hot," Connor said, being different than everyone else's opinion. His statement brought out a laughter from everyone else. "I'll take that as a compliment." I said, chuckling as well. "Okay, I'll take this one! Please!" I said, excitedly. "Alright, any changes? We can alter it," the sales lady said. I then notice her name is Cecilia. "No thanks, it's perfect the way it is. Thanks Cecilia, for all of your help!"
I then walk towards the counter to pay for my dress. It rang up half off for $500, of course I would pay that! We were officially one step closer to my life changing day.

A few days later we go back to the bridal store, and buy the bridesmaid dresses.

A few days later we go back to the bridal store, and buy the bridesmaid dresses

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About 3 Months Later:

That's it. The big day is here. I'm a complete wreck, and then I start getting a bad feeling in my stomach. Maybe Connor going to get the dress with me was a bad idea, maybe it really does cause bad luck, I wonder. I arrive at the venue, which is a gorgeous barn setting in the middle of nowhere, so it's quiet and peaceful. I rode with all of the girls, as Connor is going with his groomsmen. This time we actually took into consideration that it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. As soon as we get there, we step inside and look towards all of the decorations. The table centerpieces are vases stuffed full of dark red roses. How gorgeous, I thought to myself. I look around and see different rooms for the girls, and boys. The other girls and I head into the girls dressing room and begin getting ready. We have a professional makeup artist and hair stylist for us all. After everyone gets ready we look down at the time and realize we only have 5 minutes before the wedding starts. Everything was planned to the t, so everything should run pretty smoothly. 
The song starts playing as I was supposed to be walking down the aisle. This is it. This is the day I've wished for since I was 13. All of my little stupid dreams are coming true, unexpectedly. Will Connor stay loyal now that we're getting married, will he never get tired of me like he's said? A lot of bad thoughts start storming my head as I grab my dad's arm and begin walking down the aisle. Everyone stands up. Watching me, almost as if I have something stuck to my face. It feels weird, but I know what's about to happen, and that feels great.
"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Kaylee Copeland and Connor Frasier in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
No one speaks, which makes me even happier. Connor says his vows, "I promise to be your faithful husband. I promise to love you when the sun shines, when the rain falls, in sickness, and in health. When you look at this ring, think of me and remember that I love you always." Oh, he said faithful, I thought to myself. Now time for my vow to him, "I love you not only for what you are, but for what you make me - the best possible girl I can be. Without you I am in darkness and with you I see only light. You are my true love."
"You may now, kiss the bride." We hear the priest say. Connor grabs me before I can react to being official.
After the wedding, we have our ceremony which is pretty great. After the ceremony, we get into the limo that Connor's best man, my best friend, Wayne, rented for us.
We head to our honeymoon cabin, which is only about 30 minutes from the venue.
I'm settled now, I'm married, and to the love of my life.


OMG, my book is over!!! I can't believe it! I hope you enjoyed the story!!

I fell asleep last night before I could release my new book, so I'm going to do it here in a bit! So stay tuned for that! :)


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