Chapter 3: Fall Break

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I began to live my life without Connor. He had blocked me, and I had moved on to liking my best friend, Wayne. Wayne was cute. I mean, I had liked him for awhile, but it really just now hit me how amazing he truly was.
Most of the girls swooned over him, while others said he looked like a toad. Which in my opinion, was 100% wrong. He was truly just sweet too. You never had to worry about him backstabbing you or hurting you, because he was just that good of a guy. He was scared to tell someone no over anything because he didn't want to hurt them.
So, I figured liking him wouldn't destroy me as bad as liking Connor would. One day, I got a random text from Wayne.

waynefulcher: Hey Kay.
Me: hey bsf
Waynefulcher: so I got something to tell you
Me: and that is?
Waynefulcher: ok, so like... I like you.
Me: nah
Waynefulcher: no, I seriously do. I have, since like last year.
Me: and you're JUST NOW telling me this? Why didn't you tell me last year after I told you time and time again I liked you?
Waynefulcher: because people would have made fun of me.
Me: oh, so you're ashamed of me too?

I ignored him for the rest of the night. Why would you tell someone you like them but basically at the same time say you would've gotten made fun of for liking them?


Me and my mom had just gotten into one of our usual fights. Fall break is starting and she's telling me I'm starting school back up in Murray with my grandparents. I went to school the next day telling everyone it's my last day there. Since Connor's dad lived in Murray, Connor found out and seemed to be the only one excited.
On the way back from band my friend Shawn had hollered at Connor. "KYLIE WANTS TO DATE YOU," he yelled. Connor walked as if he hadn't heard anything, although I know he did. Once I got on the bus, I had posted something on my Snapchat story about moving.
Connor slid up on my story asking where I was moving to when I said Murray.

Cboy01: oh cool, my dad lives there.
Me: yeah haha
Cboy01: so, what your friends said today, was that true?
Me: what?
Cboy01: about you wanting to date me?
Me: well ofc it was true..
Cboy01: oh.

About an hour passed before I got another message from Connor.

Cboy01: soooo question
Me: yeah?
Cboy01: how would you like to try dating me again?
Me: wait, fr?
Cboy01: yeah
Me: ofc

Man, that could've been the dumbest thing I'd ever done in my lifetime. That weekend, my family was going to see the Nina and Pinta ships in Cape, MO. The entire ride there me and Connor were arguing. He thought I'd lied to him about moving when I really thought I was. My mom just tried to scare me. I talked him into staying with me but he broke up with me the next morning anyways. His reasoning this time was because we wouldn't ever be able to spend time together. I knew it was bullshit.
I mean, if he didn't want to truly be with me, why did he ask me out in the first place. Did he just love to have my crushed heart in his hands at all times? Is that how he thrived?
I mean, I guess I've just always wondered how people actually have the time to play people. Tell them they love them just to turn around and destroy their soul and heart, more and more each day? Is your life really that non-existent?
I tried to talk him out of breaking up with me this time, but this time, I failed. After the break up was final, I tried to talk to him but he kept leaving me on read. I tried for about 2 days, texting him twice each day.
My family went to Six Flags and Grants Farm in St. Louis, MO later that week. We stayed in this super fancy hotel downtown, by Hard Rock Cafe. The hotel was called the Union Station Hotel. While we were there, there were like 3 different wedding ceremonies of that helps to explain how fancy it truly was.
While we were there, I did something Connor had wanted me to do for awhile. I never did it before, so I didn't think it'd be any good but if he wanted me to do it for so long, it couldn't have changed that easily. I decided to take my shirt off. I pulled up my Snapchat camera and began taking pictures of my bare breasts. And I was right. He still wanted that.
He replied with a bunch of heart eye emojis, but I knew that's all he'd want from me at the time.
I continued doing it for about 5 minutes before walking out of the bathroom. I asked him if we were cool and he said yes, but unfortunately, I think it was only because of the naughty thing I'd done.


Hi everyone! Here is this chapter. Sorry if it's poorly written. I'll go through it shortly and making some edits!
This is my fall break story guys!!! *eyeroll*
Seriously though, thank you guys and gals so much for reading! It means the absolute world to me.


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