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Corbyn's POV

After I discuss to Christina the things that we need to do about our project I got a chance to look at her and man she's so beautiful

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After I discuss to Christina the things that we need to do about our project I got a chance to look at her and man she's so beautiful. I mean I can look cool too (look at Corbyn's picture) but I can't while I was in this school. People might recognize me as an ex group member of the why don't we. I miss the boys so much but I chose school rather them and I must finish this. I hope the band will grow big (let's pretend that the band is not yet big and many people still don't know them) Are they still going to welcome me on the band after the arguments that we had? I hope so.


Daniel: Bro what do you mean your not coming with us?!
Jack: Are you leaving us?!
Zach: Don't do this bro!
Jonah: We can't do this without you, Corbyn!
Corbyn: I'm not leaving you guys. It's just... it's... I want to go to school. I miss school and I miss learning everything.
Jonah: Bro, school sucks! Plus you can still learn with us!
Corbyn: It's different, Jonah. It's different where your are in school.
Zach: That's ridiculous!
Jack: So you're saying that you quit the band?! Go ahead bro and be a nerd!
Daniel: *shaking his head while leaving*

*skip to lunch break*

Music class. Everyone was gathered by Ms. Jess and she told everyone that in order for everyone to pass the test, each of the student needs to sing a song. Christina was upset because she can't sing. Corbyn was excited because he can perform once again even just in school and without the boys. After the class, Christina and Gabriela decided to go home when Corbyn called Christina.

Corbyn: Hi Christina! *waving his hand*
Christina: Hi Nerd I mean Corbyn. What do you want?
Corbyn: So about the project. *hands papers to Christina*
Christina: What's this? And can you translate this to English? *looking at the papers that is full of words and solutions*
Corbyn: That is our project. I already made them all I want you to do is help me make this one.
Christina: Okay... well just contact me if we're about to start. Here let me take your phone I'll save my number.

When Corbyn hands his phone to Christina, she notice his wallpaper. She look at it and saw 5 handsome teenagers. *This is his wallpaper*

Christina: Wow they all look cute

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Christina: Wow they all look cute.
Corbyn: You think? Well uhmm.. thank you.
Christina: why are you thanking me?
Corbyn: Uhmm... Ahh... Be.. Because they are my favorite band.
Christina: Okay. So what is the name of the band?
Corbyn: They're the Why Don't We. Today there are 4 in the groups. The one left because of some stuffs.

After Christina types her number to Corbyn's phone, she doesn't say a word and left Corbyn immediately.

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