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Hours have past, both Christina and Corbyn are now awake. "It's already 3pm I need to prepare" Corbyn said.

Corbyn took a shower and pick some nice clothes to wear and he decided to message Christina. "Hey Christina! Picking you up at 4pm🙂"

 "Hey Christina! Picking you up at 4pm🙂"

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Christina's POV

I woke up because of my alarm and it's already 3:30pm. I read Corbyn's message "Hey Christina! Picking you up at 4pm🙂" "Sh*t! I got 30mins to prepare! Get up lazy ass! I told myself while getting up and running through my bathroom to have a quick shower. After the shower, I did my simple make up and I pick my dress.

While I was still doing my thing, mom went inside my room to inform me that Corbyn just arrived

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While I was still doing my thing, mom went inside my room to inform me that Corbyn just arrived. So I told my mom that I'll be down in a minute. "Pheew! Finally finish"  I went downstairs and there I saw him looking at me. I smiled which makes him smile too. We said our goodbyes to my parents and hug them and then we left the house and straight to the movie theater. "Christina, you look wonderful tonight and oh, I forgot to give you this flowers earlier" He said. "Thanks Corbyn. You look handsome" I replied. For real, he was really handsome. I'm lucky to have him on my life.

Corbyn's POV

I arrived at Christina's house at exactly 4pm. I knock on the door and her dad opened it. "Good afternoon, sir. I'm here to pick Christina for our movie and dinner tonight"  I said. "Come inside, Corbyn and take a seat. We'll call Christina for you" her dad replied. While waiting I felt a little nervous and excited because tonight will be memorable. After a few minutes, Christina is finally done. I look at her and "damn, I am so lucky to have her" I said under my breath. We said our goodbyes to her parents and we left her house and straight to the movie theater. "Christina, you look wonderful tonight and oh, I forgot to give you this flowers earlier" I said. "Thanks Corbyn. You look handsome" she replied.

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