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After the movie, they went into this fancy restaurant that they ate when the two first get along. "Remember this restaurant? This place will be forever a memorable place for me. You know why? Because this is the place where I took you and you gave me the biggest word for me that I know and that is the most difficult to earn for a lady" Corbyn said. "What is the word, Corbyn?" Christina asked. "Trust" Corbyn smiled to Christina.

Christina's POV

"What is the word, Corbyn?" I asked. "Trust" Corbyn replied while smiling. I can't believe that Corbyn is so gentleman that he treasures the word trust so much. I hold Corbyn's hand tightly and we went inside the restaurant.

After the two ate dinner, Corbyn holds Christina's hand and they left the restaurant. They went to the park and Christina was so happy that the lights were so beautiful.

Corbyn's POV

Seeing Christina happy makes me happy. Looking into her eyes I can see the sparkle, the stars and even the universe. I am truly, deeply, madly in love with her. I face Christina and she also look at me as she walk nearer, my heartbeat beats so fast. Our face inches away from each other. "Thanks for everything, Corbyn" was all I heard from her when she kissed me. I admit I kissed her back it felt amazing.

Christina's POV

While I was loving the lights in this park. I was about to thank Corbyn for everything but when I face him, he was already looking at me. I came near him and our face inches away from each other. I'm not gonna lie I want to kiss him so bad. "Thanks for everything, Corbyn" I said and I lean until our lips touched. I cannot believe after I said that I kissed him! In the middle of our kiss, I know he was smiling so am I. I am so happy.

When the two was kissing in the middle of the park, suddenly the rain pours which makes them both stop and both of them where laughing and they both hug. The two played under the rain for a while when Corbyn pulled something from his pocket. She opened a small box which has a ring on it and he kneeled "Christina, This ring symbolizes my love for you, will you be my girlfriend? And prom?" Corbyn asked while smiling. Christina was shocked and she smiled to Corbyn "Corbyn, that would be a double yes!" Christina replied happily. Corbyn stands and she put the ring and she kissed Christina once again.

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