Finley's Birthday Part 2

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Toni's POV:
It's now 3 pm, which means that all our guests have already arrived for Finley's big birthday party. Thank god it's a warm and sunny day, so we can actually enjoy our new backyard paradise. Cheryl, Veronica and Betty are all inside preparing all the snacks and drinks for the guests. The kids are all outside playing besides Rowan who is sitting next to me right now, cuddling into my side. She seems so off lately, Cheryl and I already tried talking to her but she wasn't ready to tell us yet. For now, all I can do is love her.

"Hey Mom, can I borrow Ro for a bit, please?" Finley asks while walking up to us.
"Sure bud, but you will have to ask Rowan that." I answer while looking at Ro.
I see her nod and she slips out of my grasp. I watch them walking away.
"Is Rowan still feeling sick? She seems down" I hear Fangs asking.
"No, not really. Her fever broke three days ago and she is not showing any symptoms. I'm not sure what's up with her. Maybe Fin is able to get an answer." I reply.

Finley's POV:
I make sure to take Rowan away from all the visitors. I don't want her to feel like everyone can hear her. I hope she will tell me what's wrong.
"Hey Rowan. I can tell you are not fine, so please don't try to convince me. I may be young but I hate seeing you upset. I'm sure you would rather talk to Jason, Rosie or moms, but guess what? I'm actually a really good listener and your brother. It's my responsibility to make sure you are ok and to protect you.", I tell her, while never looking away from her eyes. I see tears starting to form in them and soon enough they are silently running down her face.
I gently swipe them away, while putting my arms around her and hugging her close to me.

"Promise you won't get mad or judge me?", Rowan almost whispered. However I heard her clearly.
"I promise you!" I tell her while wrapping my pinkie around hers. She takes a deep breath before talking.

"You know Nova right? Well I - I might like her more than just a friend. I - I think I could maybe love her one day. I'm scared Fin, what if she thinks I'm a crazy monster. What will momma and mom think of me? I- I'm sorry." She managed to get out before breaking down completely in my arms.

"Shh Rowan, it's ok. Everything is alright. No one will judge you, I promise. Besides what do you think our moms will say? They are both bisexual, do you really think they would disown you for liking girls? And Nova would be pretty dumb for not liking you back! You are the most beautiful and amazing girl, Rowan!" I tell her honestly. It's true and it pains me to see that she is so scared of telling us. Moms always made sure to tell us that it's ok to love the same gender or even both.

She hugs me tighter and is now fully sobbing in my arms. I can hear her gaspin for air. I don't know what to do, so I gently sit her down and run off to find moms.

"Mom, momma come quick! It's Rowan, she is not breathing right!!!" They instantly turn over and run towards where I'm pointing. Jason and Rose also want to go after her but I stop them, telling them that Rowan needs time alone with moms.

Cheryl's POV:
As soon as Finley finished talking, Toni and I were sprinting towards Rowan.
I see her leaning over the bench, trying to catch her breath. I immediately take her in my arms and sit down, now with Rowan in my lap. I feel her already calming down, but her breathing is still uneven.
"Shh baby girl! It's alright, mom and I are here. Everything is fine, you are fine. Just take deep breaths, sweetheart." I say while rubbing her back.
"I- I can't." She managed to stutter out before sobbing uncontrollably into my chest.

Toni takes matters into her own hands and gently manouvers Rowan out of my touch. She slightly whimpers at the loss of contact but immediately relaxes as soon as Toni wraps her arms around her. Toni takes Rowan's hand and gently places it on my chest.

"You feel that honey? You feel the way momma's breathing? Try to take breaths like mommas. Good job baby girl. You almost got it. More deep breaths. That's it, sweetie, you got it." Toni calmingly whispers in Rowan's ear.

Rowan's breathing finally returns back to normal and she is looking up at me with her big brown eyes full of pain.

"Oh honey, please let mom and me help you ok? We can't do that if you won't tell us what's going on."
"Promise you won't be disappointed and stop loving me?" She whimpers painfully.
"Baby we could never stop loving you! No matter what is going on or what you did. You will always have us." Toni gently calms her down.
She nods and takes a deep breath before speaking.
"I think I'm a lesbian." She says quickly.
"Oh honey, that's it? That's what you were afraid of telling us? It's ok baby, mom and I were just waiting for you to come out!" I laugh lightly.
"You guys knew?" she askes us shocked.
This time Toni is answering: " Yes baby, it's alright. You really think momma and I would judge you for that? Look at us we are Bisexual too, how could we ever be mad at you for that?"

"I don't know, I guess I got a bit too worried. I'm glad it's finally off my chest." Rowan smiles

"We love you so much Rowan-Antoinette Blossom-Topaz."
"I love you too moms, thank you!"
I give both Toni and Rowan a hug and gentle kisses to their forheads.
"Can we maybe talk later more? I just want to enjoy Finle's birthday. But I have a few questions I would like to ask if that's okay?" She asks us.
"Of course honey, now go and play with your friends and siblings" Toni nudges her gently. Rowan walks off visibly relaxed and happier.

"I'm glad that's what was bothering her. I got almost scared when I saw crying so hard." Toni says while standing up.
I take her hand and stand up too.
"I know right? I'm glad she is finally able to admit it. I'm just so curious who that special girl could be." I excitedly clap my hands together like a little child.
Toni just laughs and wraps her arms around me.
"I love you with all my heart." She whispers into my ear.
I beam and tell her that I love her back.

Recently it seems like, we can't really catch a breath but we are in this together as a family, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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