Finley getting hurt part 1

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Disclaimer: Yes I did go with Grey's Anatomy because if I got hurt I would love to be looked at by them lol

Cheryl's POV

After our 10 minute drive, we finally make it to the ER (Emergency Room). I quickly help Fin out of the car, trying hard not to hurt him more. His cries haven't stopped yet and I'm by now more worried than ever before. You have to know that Finley rarely cries. He will fall, hit his head or even scrape his knees, but he never cries about it. So I know that it really has to be serious if he is still crying about his accident.

"It's okay baby. We are almost there. The doctor will make you feel all better ok?", I tell him while taking is not injured hand into mine and leading him to the front desk to get him checked in.

"Hello, how can I help you, Miss?" the lady asks.
"Hello, my son Finley fell by the pool about 30 minutes. By the look of it, I think he dislocated his left elbow and cut open his forehead as well as bruised his cheek and right eye." I tell her, trying to remember everything that happened.

"Oh, I'm sorry little man. Please fill this form out and bring it back to me. We are pretty crowded but I will see what I can do to get him checked as soon as possible." I smile at that. She seems really nice.

"Alright thank you very much!" I say as I guide Fin to the waiting room. I can see two empty chairs at the very end so I walk over to them sitting down on one.
I expect Fin to sit next to me but instead, he sits himself down on my lap, cuddling into me.

My heart both hurts and flutters at that. But of course, I don't mind it. I quickly fill out the form and hurry to the front desk to give it back.

I come back and Fin immediately settles down on my lap again, cuddling his face into my neck and wrapping his good arm around me. I gently start to stroke his head and hold him as close to me as possible.

"I'm tired momma" he says while letting out a yawn.
"I know baby. You can try to sleep a bit, it might take a while until we can see a doctor." I kindly whisper to him.
He just nods and tries to be even closer to me.
I rest my head on the crown of his but making sure to kiss his forehead before.

I can tell he is fighting to stay awake, so I start rocking him a bit, knowing it will help him fall asleep. In a mere 10 minutes, he is snoozing against me.

I take it as an opportunity to text Toni, letting her know that we are all checked in and waiting for a doctor.

[Cheryl ❤️]: Hey baby, Finni is all checked in and we are waiting to see a doctor now. He is sleeping for now.
[Toni 🔥]: Ok honey, Josie is already in bed and the big kids and I are watching a movie. They all love you and Fin!
Keep me updated! Love you 🌹
[Cheryl ❤️]: Will do! Love you more my angel!

2 hours later:
"Finley Blossom-Topaz"
"Fin baby, it's time to see the doctor now honey!" I say in a quiet voice, trying not to scare him.
He slowly opens his eyes and sighs against my neck. I ever so gently push him to get up. He holds his arm out to me, mentioning for me to carry him. I carefully take him in my arms and set him on my hip, following the nurse who leads us to the examining room.

"Hello! I'm Doctor Robins. I'm going to look at Finley's arm and head. If you could maybe sit him down on the bed so that I can start the examination." She smiles at us gently.

I set Fin down on the bed and take a seat beside him. I don't really want to be far away from him.
Doctor Robins starts looking and carefully touching his elbow. Fin whimpers every so often, when the doctor tries to move it.

"Ok, so his elbow is definitely dislocated. We will have to put it back in place and having him wearing a cast him a week and after that, we will put his elbow in a splint for at least 3 weeks. As for his head, he has a pretty heavy concussion and we will have to stitch his forehead. The bruise on his eye and cheek should heal perfectly fine in the next 5 days.
You have any questions?"

"Yes, for the pain, can we give him painkillers? And should we be worried about his concussion?"

"Yes, I will prescribe him some painkillers. He can take up to three of them a day. For the concussion, as long as he is not feeling dizzy or sick, he should be just fine. His head will start to hurt a bit more in the next days. Just keep a close eye on him and maybe let him sleep with you for the next 3 to 4 nights just in case he is feeling nauseous." she tells me while getting everything ready.

There's a light knock on the door and another doctor enters, smiling sadly at Finley.

"Hello, I'm doctor Torres and I will put Finley's elbow back in place." I nod while shaking her hand.

"Alright little man, I need you to be super brave now ok? I'm not gonna lie, it will hurt but after that, you will feel so much better ok? Let me tell you a little secret. It's ok to cry when it hurts and it's ok to ask me to stop if it gets too much ok?" Finley just nods. I can see shy tears forming in his eyes and I take his good hand in mine, holding it tight.

The doctor starts by stretching out his elbow. Fin is by now already full on sobbing. The next thing I know is hearing a loud pop and a scream from Finley. His elbow finally looks normal again, just swelling a lot already.

I quickly snap out of it and take him in my arms, holding him in my lap. He is hysterically crying into my neck and letting out loud and painful sobs. I rock him gently, letting him cry and scream.

Doctor Torres takes the opportunity and prepares everything for his cast. She quickly moves over to us and holds his arm in hers. She gently places everything for the cast on his arm, waiting for it to dry. She tells me to hold his arm up, so she can take a closer look at his face. The gash is not bleeding anymore but is still too deep to not be stitched. I have to lay Finley down again and watch him being in even more pain. The stitches didn't hurt him that much, he only shed a few tears, probably more from the exhaustion than the pain.

I take him back in my arms again, and he clings to me as if I am his lifeline. 

I just rock him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear, hoping to go home and sleep soon. 

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