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I woke up to the ringing of the alarm clock.

Then, I went to the bathroom.

I looked at my hideous self in the mirror. My hair was brown, wavy and glossy. It looked tidy even if I had just woken up. My emerald green orbs were big and doll like, it has the slightest god glint in them. My eyelashes were long and curled. My nose was cute. My lips were plump and luscious. My skin was pale and clear.

My neck was elegant and long, my breasts were double Ds, my belly was flat, not an ounce of fat was visible. My legs were slim, and I am petite.

I look so ugly! :(

After I brushed my teeth, I got a text.

Aunt Jane: Ur parents were ded last night any u hv 2 liv w me. Pak ur tngs now.

Me: O nu!

Tears started pouring out of my orbs like a literal waterfall.

I packed my stuff and started to get changed.

I changed into a white crop top with the words 'I am a Mary Sue' written in my favourite text form, Comic Sans.

I wore a beautiful red miniskirt (it's not slutty at all) it was six inches long and had laces.

I then wore a pair of red stilettos.

Then, I carried my stuff and went downstairs. I, Friction (yes, that is my bame) , am not like other girls. I walk down the stairs in 3.14159 seconds meanwhile those sluts don't.

I hopped into my brother's middle class American car and made his ass drive me there.

When I arrived, I was immediately greeted by my aunt.

I greeted her.

'Since you are here, you should move to a new school.' said aunt Jane.

I GASPED, why? But I will have no friends!

After a few seconds of silence, aunt Jane said 'You're a princess, Friction.'

'I'm a what?' I asked.

'A princess, Friction. Why does this scene seem so familiar?'

This was too much for me, everything faded to black.

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