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Meanwhile I was walking back home and totally not being a drama queen, I heard a loud crash behind me.

A monster which looked like a giant ugly woman with blonde hair on steroids. It was behind me, oh noooooooooooooooo!!!!!

I am not like other girls, I don’t call the police for help. Instead, I stood there, doing absolutely nothing.

As the monster was about to crush me with her foot, a magical shield appeared around me.

Lasers shot up from my emerald orbs to the vicious monster and it instantly retreated.

I’m not like other girls. Instead of being happy about having supernatural powers, I decided to have a panic attack.

‘Why!’ I screamed as crystal like tears fell from my green orbs.

Suddenly, a figure from behind a wall ran up to me and picked me up. I’m not like other girls, I don’t try to escape. I just stayed in his arms.

He rushed to a limo before putting me into one of the seats.

I recognized his face, it was... Gary Stu!

Dun Dun Dun... bet you didn’t see that coming.

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