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What is this place?

Everyone is here. Me, Gary, Marty, Charlotte, even Regina and her minions...

What happened?

We were in the throne room again. A teenage girl descended from above.

Then, everything became third person.

Friction screamed in terror as her sueish powers leave her body. The teenage girl absorbed the powers as an army of young girls barged in.

"HOW DARE YOU WOUND OYR ALLY?" the girls yelled in unison. They all looked plainly beautiful. Most of them had brown hair and have pale, flawless skin. This is the entire army of the Mary Sue Kingdom, no doubt. But their powers faded as they entered the room.

The teenage girl yawned, "As the author of this book, I command you all to get your suitable endings."

Friction smiled, "Lucky me, a protagonist like me will live forever with a harem of hot guys."

Regina cried, "But... I don't want to go to mean girl hell without doing anything wrong."

Charlotte sighed, "Here comes my dark future of being the servant of the protagonist..."

"I'm not even into girls, I'm NOT spending eternity with Friction!" complained Marty.

The author laughed, "I am not going to give you all a potential ending. For I believe that you all and the folks reading this have learnt a valuable lesson."

"What lesson?" they all asked in unison.

"Be more original."

"Friction... you have committed the crime of being unoriginal. I shall condemn you to the Mary Sue Reform School. This way, you'll learn how to be a good protagonist."

"BUT IT'S AN ALL GIRLS SCHOOL!" Friction sobbed.

Then, Friction disappeared.

"Charlotte, you have been a great friend. But you also have to learn to be more original. You shall attempt to befriend Regina."

"Thank you! I always want to be friends with her!" exclaimed Charlotte.

"Regina, Rachel and Rebecca... you three have done nothing to warrant an eternity in mean girl hell. So, I spare you all three. You shall live your own life."

The trio cheered.

"Marty, since you aren't interested in Friction, you don't have to marry her."

"Thank you, author! I can never imagine what living with her will be like."

"As for Gary, I condemn you to run thirty laps around the palace for being such a player."

And so, they all lived (un)happily ever after...

A. N. : Do yall wanna read a sequel to this about Friction going to reform school?

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