Getting Ready for my Doom.

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I walked down the familiar hallways like I did last night, making my way slowly towards class as I thought over what had happened last night and this morning.

I sighed as I dragged my feet, not paying attention to anything around me as usual. I had my black leather bag thrown over my shoulder, my shirt sloppily tucked into my fancy, black school pants. As usual my brown hair was messy, I didn't really see the point in doing anything fancy with it.. I'm a guy anyway, that kind of stupid stuff is for girls.

That bastard.. Twisting my words against me.. I never even asked for this. I wish I didn't even go to that party anymore. It was a big mistake!! But how was I supposed to know that it would turn out like this? How was I supposed to know what would happen? How was I supposed to know that I would become that guys sex toy?

I bet your wondering how this actually happened? How my ordinary, average life became twisted and strange in only one night.. Well it all started one afternoon when Hikaru came back to the dorm with a flier.. The flier that ultimately lead me to the place where my life took a turn into strange town..

-3 days earlier-

"Hey Shihiro look at this!" Hikaru's excited voice rang as he swung the door open and ran up to me. "What is it I'm trying to study.." I said, turning in the chair at my desk. "Here.. Some of the guys over at the blue dorm gave me this and said to spread the word" He grinned and passed me the blue piece of paper in his hands.

It read:

Party, 8:30pm to midnight in the blue dorm. Everybody's invited!
~ Draco

"A party? Tonight?" I began, unsure. "Yeah! And everybody's invited!". I stood up, glancing at the alarm clock on my bedside table, '4pm'. "I think I'll pass.." I mumbled, walking over to the cupboard and opening the draw. "What?! Why?!" Hikaru spat at me in confusion. "This will be the biggest party of the year.. Not to mention the popular guys are hosting it! And there will be girls!! Lots and lots of girls.. with their big breasts and firm asses! You can't just miss this opportunity!!" Hikaru tried to yell some sense into me, obviously feeling that his words wouldn't come across as well if he just spoke normally. "You know it's not really.. My scene.." I spoke quietly, looking through the top draw for my pyjama pants.

"Who cares??" Hikaru yelled, "this is our chance to get in with the popular guys man, come on.. please?" He begged, grabbing my shoulder and leaning against it. "But.. Can't I just sneak out to the library instead and watch from a distance.." I asked, turning to him as he frowned at me with an unamused scowl. "No" he answered plainly. "Look, why don't you just come, when it gets to 10, if you still want to leave then you can go and barack yourself in the library" he began, "and I need a wingman!" He begged, holding my collar and pulling it back and forward. "pleeaaasseees~~".

"Aregghh! Fine!" I answered him and watched as his eyes lit up and a grin spread across his face. "YES! Thank you, man" he yelled and began to rush around the room looking at all sorts of things.

"Should I wear that cool blue plaid shirt or that cool blue shirt with that pattern on it?" He asked me as he threw the large cupboard doors open. "Your acting like a girl.." I chuckled at him before he poked his head out, looking at me with squinted eyes and his tongue poked out. "Shut up! Gotta dress to impress the ladies~ idiot.." He mumbled, "plus maybe tonight will be the night you finally get laid, little late if you ask me" he laughed at me. "Hey shut up, I'm only 17 what's so strange about that?" I asked and began to look for something to wear to the party. "Haha whatever you want to think, man" he chuckled and threw some clothes on the bed. "Hey I'm off to tell the others.. And fix your hair, it looks like a damn bird nest" he said swinging the door open before slamming it shut and disappearing down the hall. "What's wrong with my hair.." I mumbled and turned to the mirror.

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